Multiple <SCRIPT> Tags

Up to this point all of the JavaScript Code was in one <SCRIPT> tag, this does not need to be the case.

You can have as many <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags as you would like in a document.

The <SCRIPT> tags are processed as they are encountered.

See example below:

<TITLE>Multiple Script Example</TITLE>

function largest(x,y)
 {var l = x;
  if (y>x) l= y;
  return l;}


<!-- Hide from other browsers
var name = prompt("What's your name","");
// Stop hiding from browsers -->

<H1> Example of Separate Script segments </H1>
<!-- Hide from other browsers
// This is where the execution starts
var l = null;
while (true)
 {n = prompt("Enter A value, Cancel to end","###");
  if (n==null) break; // exit the loop
  l = largest(l,n);}
document.write(name + " the largest value was " + l);

// Stop hiding from browsers -->


Run the example

Note: If the script appeas in the <HEAD> section you don't need to worry about hiding it from other browsers
