Information Systems and Technology ISP523


Intro To JavaScript: A Hands-On Tutorial


General Overview


What is JavaScript?


JavaScript is the internal scripting language used by WWW browsers such as Netscape's Navigator and Internet Explorer


Object based language.


It is "loosely" based on the Java language, and resembles C++ in it's structure.


Some Simple Uses For JavaScript

�    Dynamic forms that include built-in error checking

�    Calculation areas on pages

�    User interaction for warnings and getting confirmation

�    Dynamically changing background and text colors, or "buttons".

�    To look at the URL history and take action based on it.

�    Open and control windows.

�    Provide different documents or parts thereof based on user request. Ie. Framed vs not framed


Java vs JavaScript



�    Java is a complex, complete object-oriented Programming Language.

�    Compiled Language

�    Designed for large programs

�    Fully Extensible - Programmers can create their own classes (objects/data structures)

�    Steep Learning Curve

�    Client-Server Interaction

�    Generates Stand-Alone Applications and Applets



�    Simple to use scripting language.

�    Interpreted

�    Designed for small simple programs

�    Strong direct interaction with the HTML pages.

�    Not Fully Extensible

�    Basically only handles client-end activities

�    Integrated into HTML

�   Source code readily available


Strengths and Weaknesses of JavaScript



�    Quick Development

�    Easy To Learn

�    Platform Independent

�    Low Overhead



�    Limited Range of Built-In Methods or Functions

�    No ability to hide code

�    Lack of Development Tools

�    Not Supported By Netscape Gold's Editor


JavaScript Lessons


Your First JavaScript


Choose your editor


All your JavaScript Code needs to be entered and edited in a plain text or html editor.


Enter The Basic HTML Tags of any document




 <TITLE>My First JavaScript</TITLE>






In The Body Section Add The Following JavaScript Lines



 <!-- Hide from other browsers

 document.write("Hello World!");

 // Stop hiding from browsers -->




�    The JavaScript Appears Between the <SCRIPT> and </SCRIPT> Tags

�    The <!-- and --> tells the html viewer that the text (ie. JavaScript) between them are just "comments", thus it does not display them.

�    // indicates the rest of the line is an JavaScript comment

�    ; denotes the end of a statement, just like in C, C++, and Pascal

�    document denotes the default html window

�    .write is the method to write text out to an object, such as a window


Save the file to an html document


Open the file in Internet Explorer


Writing To The Default Document


In your sample document after the line


document.write("Hello World!");




document.write("It's A Wonderful Day.");


And resave and run the new program.


 Notice how the text runs together.


Placing HTML Tags In Your JavaScript Output


When writing to the HTML document, you must always remember that it is processed as if it was normal html, all html tags will be honored and processed.


Change the following lines in your program


document.write("Hello World!"); 

document.write("It's A Wonderful Day.");


To read


document.write("Hello World!<P>");

document.write("It's A <B>Wonderful Day</B><P>.");


Rerun the program.


Remember Your Text Inherits Whatever Attributes The Previous Text Had, And Passes It's Along


Just after the body tag add the line.


<H1>My JavaScript Program


Between the two document.write statements

 Add The following




Before the </body> tag add the line


That's All!


Rerun the program.


While viewing the document do a View Source and observe the results.


Writeln Method


A variation on the write method is the writeln method, which puts out an eoln after printing out the string characters. This is not useful in formatting the text as HTML ignores the eoln in the document. It's only useful if you are outputting text with the <PRE>tag.


Interacting With The User

Prompting For User For Information


Prompt(prompt string, default reply)

�    The prompt command requires two parameter strings.

�    The first is the prompt to display, the second is the default answer. If you do not want a default answer, just use "".

�    It returns what the user typed s a string of characters



�    The keyword var declares a variable with the name given.

�    It is not need, but is good programming style, and may prevent interpretation problems or better error messages.

�    There are two forms:

   var name;

   var name= "value";


Start A New Document In The Editor, Or cleanup the current one.


Enter the following JavaScript program


var color = prompt("Enter favourite color:", "Red");



Now run the program




�    The alert dialog box displays the message given to it.

�    Only an OK response is allowed to the user.

�    The script and HTML document halts execution until the user chooses the OK button.

�    The phrase "JavaScript Alert" is included in the dialog box to let the user know what caused the alert.


Some uses

�    Insufficient information provided in a form.

�    Incorrect data entered

�    Invalid result

�    Service that is unavailable


Add the following line to your program at the start.


alert("Just Learning JavaScript, Please Be Patient");


Run the program.




The Confirm method presents a dialog window showing a prompt, and allows the user to choose between OK and Cancel.


It then returns with a value of True of OK choosen, or False if Cancel choosen.


The confirm method is most often used to check with the user before going on. For example, before loading a specific page (maybe one containing large images or frames) you could ask the user if they wanted it and then take appropriate action (choose not to load images or go to a no-frame version).


Try the following program out.




 <!-- Hide from other browsers

 var animated_images= confirm("Load animated images");

 if (animated_images)

 {document.writeln('<IMG SRC="animated.gif">');}


 {document.writeln('<IMG SRC="static.gif">');}

 // Stop hiding from browsers -->



Note: You can copy the images from the course disk, or just put in a text message instead, or use the full path to the images given below.


 Run the program.



Last update 11/14/04 gjc