MSI 520: Database Design and Application Development


Instructor Information

Sanjay Goel picture

Sanjay Goel

Office: BA 310b
Hours: Mon. 1-2:30pm, T 9 - 10am & by appt.
PH: (518) 442-4925
FX (518) 442-2568
Email: [email protected]

Class Information

Time (4754): MW 10:10-11:05pm
Time (4753): MW 11:15-12:10pm
Location: BA 227/CETL Digital Workshop 2
Dates: September 10 - December 12
Available Lab(s): MIS Lab, LC4

Course Overview

This is an introductory course in databases which teaches the basic principles of relational database theory and use of query languages. The students learn to write queries in SQL and design a simple database from scratch using Microsoft Access. The course discuses the basic database design principles as well as the rationale for using different forms of normalization.

Text & Reference Books

Text: Philip J. Pratt, Joseph J. Adamski, Concepts of Database Management, 3rd Edition.
Text: Adamski, Hommel & Finnigan, Introductory Microsoft Access 2000, (New Perspective Series)
Reference: Steven Roman, Access Database: Design & Programming, 2nd Edition


Homework: 30%

Class Participation: 10%

Project: 30%

Final Exam: 30%

Course Schedule

Lec. Date Topics Readings Assignments
1 10/8 Introduction to Databases Chapt. 1
2 10/10 Relational Database Design Chapt. 2 ERD
3 10/15 ER Diagrams Chapt. 6 (ER-D)
4 10/17 Database Normalization Chapt. 5 & 6
5 10/22 #9,12 (Chapt. 5)
6 10/24
7 10/29 SQL - Data Definition Language Chapt. 3
8 10/31 SQL - Data Manipulation Language
9 11/5
10 11/7 MS Access - Tables, queries #5 (Tutorial)
11 11/12 MS Access - Forms and Reports Tutorial 3,4 #6 (Tutorial)
12 11/14 Database Management System Ch. 7
13 11/19 Database Administration Chapt. 8
14 11/21 Semi-Structured Data (XML)
15 11/26 Revision / Wrap-up Project Due
16 11/28 Exam

Download syllabus: msi520syllabus.pdf