Publications of Boris Goldfarb not on arXiv
I have been posting papers on since 2011.
Below are either old papers or with coauthors who frown on posting to arXiv (I think).
(with A. Upadhyay, W. Wang and C. Ekenna)
A New Application of Discrete Morse Theory to Optimizing Safe Motion Planning Paths
2022 International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Springer Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XV (2023), pp. 18-35
link to Springer
(with A. Upadhyay and C. Ekenna)
Incremental Path Planning Algorithm via Topological Mapping with Metric Gluing
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
link to IEEE Xplore
(with A. Upadhyay and C. Ekenna)
A topological approach to finding coarsely diverse paths
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021, pp. 6552-6557
link to IEEE Xplore
(with G. Carlsson)
The integral K-theoretic Novikov conjecture for groups with finite asymptotic dimension
Inventiones mathematicae 157 (2004), 405-418
link to PDF
On integral assembly maps for lattices in SL(3)
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology, BYU (2004), 89-113
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The large scale topology and algebraic K-theory of arithmetic groups
Topology and its Applications 140 (2004), 267-294
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(with G. Carlsson)
On homological coherence of discrete groups
Journal of Algebra 276 (2004), 502-514
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Novikov conjectures and relative hyperbolicity
Mathematica Scandinavica 85 (1999), 169-183
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Novikov conjectures for arithmetic groups with large actions at infinity
K-theory 11 (1997), 319-372
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Splitting assembly maps for arithmetic groups with large actions at infinity
Ph.D. thesis, Cornell (1996)
link to PDF
"The time from now until the completion of the project tends to become constant."
D.R. Hartree