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Selected Publications

  • Sutton, T. M., Altarriba, J., Gianico, J. L., & Basnight-Brown, D. M. (in press, 2007). The automatic access of emotion: Emotional Stroop effects in Spanish-English bilingual speakers. Cognition and Emotion.
  • Basnight-Brown, D. M., & Altarriba, J. (in press, 2007). Differences in semantic and translation priming across languages: The role of language direction and language dominance. Memory & Cognition.

  • Altarriba, J., & Basnight-Brown, D. M. (in press, 2007). Methodological considerations in performing semantic and translation priming experiments across languages. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers.

  • Altarriba, J., & Majcher-Tinney, D. (2006). The role of cognitive, socio-cultural, and ethno-linguistic factors in the acquisition and learning of a second language. Journal of Social and Ecological Boundaries (Special Issue: Issues in Bilingualism), 2, 84-116.

  • Altarriba, J., & Canary, T. M. (2004). Affective priming: The automatic activation of arousal. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 25, 248-265.

  • Altarriba, J., & Bauer, L. M. (2004). The distinctiveness of emotion concepts: A comparison between emotion, abstract, and concrete words. American Journal of Psychology, 117, 389-410.

  • Altarriba, J., & Gianico, J. L. (2003). Lexical ambiguity resolution across languages: A theoretical and empirical review. Experimental Psychology, 50, 159-170.

  • Diliberto, K. A., Altarriba, J., & Neill, W. T. (2000). Novel popout and familiar popout in a brightness discrimination task. Perception & Psychophysics, 62, 1494-1500.

  • Altarriba, J., Bauer, L. M., & Benvenuto, C. (1999). Concreteness, context-availability, and imageability ratings and word associations for abstract, concrete, and emotion words. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 31, 578-602.

  • Diliberto, K. A., Altarriba, J., & Neill, W. T. (1998). Novel popout without novelty. Memory & Cognition, 26, 428-434.

  • Altarriba, J., & Mathis, K. M. (1997). Conceptual and lexical development in second language acquisition. Journal of Memory and Language, 36, 550-568.

  • Altarriba, J., & Soltano, E. G. (1996). Repetition blindness and bilingual memory: Token individuation for translation equivalents. Memory & Cognition, 24, 700-711.

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