University at Albany, SUNY

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March 13, 2025
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The Habits & Lifestyles Laboratory is an integration of group interests and individual passions generating a unique and enriching environment for participants and members alike. The research conducted focuses on Substance Use & Abuse, Emotion Regulation, the Role of Expectancies, Statistical Methods, Clinical Psychopathology, and even Meditation.

Because every member of the lab is actively involved in its formation, selective publication lists are provided by each current member of the lab. Click on the Lab Members Link above to have a look at some of the exciting work that we are currently doing. A unifying theme of our lab is a true passion for statistical methodology. Throughout our various areas of research, you'll see continuous reference to psychometric analysis and novel statistical methodology.

One of Dr. Earleywine's passions is Marijuana research and policy. He is an advisory board member of the National Organization for Reformation of Marijuana Laws (NORML). Dr. Earleywine does weekly podcasts for NORML and has written several books. Check out Dr. Earleywine's books by clicking on the Books Link. Because we don't have all the answers or even all the questions, we have provided some Links to other websites that have useful information in areas that we as individuals have found particularly useful. Have a look; maybe you'll find some information that will enrich your life, education, or research.

We are always looking for new members whether graduate students, undergraduate research assistants, or research participants. Click on the Get Involved Link to find out about opportunities to be a part of our work.

Exciting News


Read a recent collaborative piece written by Dr. Earleywine and Bob Mankoff, Cartoon Editor at The New Yorker...check it out.

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