Milne Alumni January Newsletter
January 15, 2022

by Judy Koblintz Madnick, '61

Dear Milne Alumni and Supporters,

In this issue:

* Class of '72 50th Reunion
* From Anita Harris, '66
* Sad News


From Patti Santen Rider, '72: The Class of 1972 is planning its 50th reunion to be held on October 22, 2022. A group of classmates are getting together virtually on Sunday, January 16th. Details to follow.


"My photobook, Pandemic Journey: Beauty Amidst the Ruins, recently exhibited at the Davis Orton Gallery in Hudson, New York, is now on view at the Griffin Museum of Photography in Worchester, Massachusetts. It's the first of what I hope will be several volumes. More info and links are available at

"Also, I'm starting to look for a publisher for HIP, a book about my adventures starting a newspaper in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, around the 1972 trial of the Harrisburg 7, in which a bunch of nuns, priests, and a Muslim were accused by J. Edgar Hoover of conspiring to kidnap Henry Kissinger and to blow up underground heating tunnels in Washington, D.C. It has a brief section on Albany and the Catholic wedding of one of my Milne friends. Suggestions and connections to publishers and editors for books and articles would be welcome!"


Please note that I rely upon and input from other alumni for this information, so if you become aware of someone who has passed away, please let me know. If a name is underlined, it represents a link to the obituary. Many obituaries are available free for a limited time only.

Sophie Fay Lavine, mother of Judy Lavine Doling, '67, and Howard Lavine, '70, passed away on December 16, 2021.

Harold Seitz, father of Gary Seitz, '73, passed away on December 17, 2021.

Thanks to all of you for your interest in Milne Alumni activities.

Judy (Koblintz) Madnick, '61

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