Hall of Fame

Class Contacts

If your class doesn't have a Class Contact, please consider volunteering.
All we ask is that you be the person that your classmates contact
if they have a change in name, address, phone number, and/or email address.
If you enjoy playing "detective," you can also help find your missing classmates.

If you are aware of a Class Contact that is not listed below
or there is no clickable link for a contact,
please contact Judy and
your message will be sent to the appropriate Class Contact. Thank you.

Contact names for each class are in no particular order.

1937: 1938:
1939: 1940:
1941: 1942:
1943: 1944:
1945: 1946: Jack UNDERWOOD
1947: 1948: Joan FRUMKIN Martens
1949: 1950:
1951: Annette WAXMAN Adams, Herbert Gramm & Marion SIESEL Williams 1952:
1953: 1954: John MURPHY
1955: Sally COOK Murphy 1956: Frank Ward
1957: Dan BROWN 1958:
1959: Mike UNGERMAN 1960: Carolyn LANNON & Elizabeth GEMLICK
1961: Judy KOBLINTZ Madnick 1962: Jana HESSER
1963: Marc KESSLER 1964: Martha LOWDER Kimball
1965: Jeana VAN EGGHEN Pena & Lynda BEARUP Porter 1966:
1967: Meri ROSENSTOCK Kaufman & Art COHEN 1968: Carol FILA Carpenter
1969: Peter MEYERS 1970: Richard YANKU & Janis PAUL Jacobs
1971: Mary H. WELCH & Martha Miller 1972: Patti SANTEN Rider & Elaine WIECZOREK
1973: Peter BULGER 1974: Sharon TOWLE Warejko
1975: Ronald LEVINE & Paul DI LELLO 1976: JoAnne VAN SLYKE & Donna ROSES
1977: Marjorie WELCH Nelson

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