AMAT 583, Section 2: Topological Data Analysis I
Fall 2022, Class #7879
Monday,Wednesday 3:00-4:20 ES146
Instructor: Michael Lesnick
mlesnick [at] albany [dot] [the usual thing]
Office: CK 385 (Catskill Building)
Office Hours: M, W 4:30-5:30, and by appointment.
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Exam Dates :
Midterm : Wednesday, October 5 (tentative),
Final: Monday December 12, 3:30 - 5:30.
About this Course:
This is the first course in a three-semester sequence on Topological Data
Analysis (TDA), aimed primarily at students in Albany's Data Science
MS program. No prior knowledge of topology is assumed.
The first two semesters of the sequence emphasize mathematical foundations and conceptual understanding.
The third course in the sequence is a practicum focusing on hands-on work with real data.
Topics to be covered (in this course and in TDA II) may include:
- topological spaces
- metric spaces
- homeomorphism
- homotopy equivalence
- path connectedness
- clustering (with an emphasis on topological approaches)
- graphs and simplicial complexes
- persistent homology (definition, computation, stability, applications)
- Mapper
- multiparameter persistence
- linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction
Course Materials:
Course materials will be hosted on Blackboard.
I plan to post copies of my handwritten lecture notes before each
class. These are the primary course materials. As a secondary resource, I may also sometimes provide typed notes.
Additional resources:
Homework and Quizzes:
Homework will be assigned semi-regularly. In addition, we may
occasionally have quizzes. Homeworks and quizzes will be weighted
equally. The lowest two scores among the homework
and quizzes will be dropped. Homework is to be handed in at the beginning
of class on the day it is due (you will have a 5 minute grace period), and this rule will be enforced
strictly. Homework handed in at most one day late may be accepted with a 30%
penalty, or at most two days late with a 50% penalty. You may
discuss homework with your classmates, but homework must be written up
on your own.
The class will use the university's A-E grading scheme.
20%: Homework and quizzes.
30%: Midterm
40%: Final
10%: Class participation / engagement.
NOTE: The midterm and final may be curved, but not downward.
Academic Regulations:
Naturally, the University's Standards of Academic Integrity apply to
this course, and students are expected to be familiar with these.
There will be no leeway on missed exams or last-minute exam
rescheduling, except as noted in the regulations. If you anticipate an issue with
the timing of an exam, please let me know as soon as possible.