Richard P. Cunningham

Professor of Biology
Office: BI232
Phone: (518) 442-4331
Fax: (518) 442-4767
Research Interests:
Biochemistry of
DNA Repair Enzymes
DNA Repair in
Structure and
Function of DNA Lyases [Click here to view
endonuclease III bound to DNA]
Structure and
function of DNA Nucleases [Click here to
view exonuclease III bound to DNA]
Structure and
Function of DNA Glycosylases
Genetic Analysis
of DNA Repair Pathways
Recent Publications:
Kuo,C-H., Thayer,
M.M., Mol, C.D., Cunningham, R.P., and Tainer, J.A. (1994) Structure
and function of the DNA repair enzyme exonuclease III from E.
coli. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 726, 223-235.
O' Donnell, R.E.,
Boorstein, R.J., Cunningham,R.P., and Teebor, G.W. (1994) Effect
of pH and temperature on the stability of UV-induced repairable
pyrimidine hydrates in DNA. Biochemistry 33,9875-9880.
Cunningham, R.P.,
M.M. Thayer and Tainer, J.A. (1994) Structure of the DNA repair
enzyme endonuclease III. Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology 8,
Hatahet, Z., Kow,
Y.W., Purmal, A.A., Cunningham, R.P., and Wallace, S.S. (1994)
New substrates for old enzymes: 5-hydroxy-2' -deoxycytidine and
5-hydroxy-2' - deoxyuridine are substrates for Escherichia coli
endonuclease III and formamidopyrimidine DNA N-glycosylase while
5-hydroxy-2, -deoxyuridine is a substrate for uracil DNA N-glycosylase.
J.Biol.Chem. 269,18814-18820.
O' Handley, S.,
Scholes, C.P., and Cunningham, R.P. (1995) Endonuclease III interactions
with DNA substrates: 1. Binding and footprinting studies with
oligonucleotides containing a reduced apyrimidinic site. Biochemistry
34,2528-2536. Click here
to see abstract.
Xing, D. Dorr, R.,
Cunningham, R.P., and Scholes, C.P. (1995) Endonuclease III interactions
with DNA substrates: 2. The DNA repair enzyme endonuclease III
binds differently to intact and to AP DNA substrates as shown
by tryptophan fluorescence quenching. Biochemistry 34,2537-2544.
Click here
to see abstract.
Tainer, J.A., Thayer,
M.M. and Cunningham, R.P. (1995) DNA repair proteins. Curr. Opin.
Struct. Biol. 5,20-26.
Mol, C.D., Kuo,
C-F., Thayer, MM, Cunningham, R.P. and Tainer, J.A. (1995) Structure
and function of the multifunctional DNA repair enzyme exonuclease
III. Nature 374,381-386. Click here
to see abstract.
Barzilay, G., Mol,
C.D. Robson, C.N. Walker, L.J. Cunningham, R.P., Tainer, J.A.,
and Hickson, I.D. (1995) Identification of critical active-site
residues in the multifunctional human DNA repair enzyme HAP1.
Nature Structural Biology 2,561-568. Click here
to see abstract.
Thayer, M.M., Ahern,
H., Xing, D., Cunningham, R.P., and Tainer, J.A. (1995) Novel
DNA binding motifs in the DNA-repair enzyme endonuclease III structure.
EMBO J. 14,4108-4120. Click here
to see abstract.
Zuo, S., Boorstein,
R.J., Cunningham, R.P. and Teebor, G.W. (1995) Comparison of the
effects of UV irradiation on 5-methylsubstituted and unsubstituted
pyrimidines in alternating Py-Pu sequences in DNA. Biochemistry
Hilbert, T.P., Boorstein,
R.J., Xing, D., Kung, P.H., Bolton, P.H., Cunningham, R.P. and
Teebor, G.W. (1996) Purification of a mammalian homolog of E.
coli endonuclease III: Identification of a calf thymus pyrimidine
hydrate/thymine glycol/AP lyase by crosslinking the enzyme to
a thymine glycol-containing DNA-oligonucleotide. Biochemistry

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