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Special Session on Geometric Topology

AMS 2008 Spring Eastern Meeting

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University, March 15 to 16, 2008
[Hopf fibration]

This event is also part of the festivities organized in New York City to celebrate the sixtieth birthday of Sylvain Cappell, which include a conference on Singularities in Geometry and Topology also at the Courant Institute immediately following the AMS Meeting, from March 17 to 20.


All talks in the Special Session will be in room 208, Silver Center. Invited Addresses will be in room 109, Warren Weaver Hall. The registration desk will be in the lobby, Warren Weaver Hall, and will be open 7:30 am-4 pm on Saturday, March 15, and 8 am-noon on Sunday, March 16.


The list of confirmed participants includes: Sylvain Cappell, James F. Davis, Pisheng Ding, Wojciech Dorabiala, Christopher Dwyer, Brad Forrest, Ian Hambleton, Mark W. Johnson, Keith Jones, Qayum Khan, Seonhee Lim, Wolfgang Lück, Gerald Marchesi, Francesco Matucci, Stephen F. Sawin, Rob Scheiderman, Dirk Schütz, Shmuel Weinberger, and Anna Wienhard.


David Rosenthal (St. John's University) and Marco Varisco (Binghamton University, SUNY) [e-mail].


fromto Saturday, March 15 Sunday, March 16
8:30 am8:50 am Qayum Khan Stephen F. Sawin
9:00 am9:20 am James F. Davis Wolfgang Lück
9:30 am9:50 am
10:00 am10:20 am Brad Forrest Mark W. Johnson
10:30 am10:50 am Francesco Matucci Dirk Schütz
11:00 am11:50 am Invited Address: Ravi Vakil Invited Address: Weinan E
1:30 pm2:20 pm Invited Address: Ovidiu Savin Invited Address: Ilya Kapovich
2:30 pm2:50 pm Rob Scheiderman Wojciech Dorabiala
3:00 pm3:20 pm Ian Hambleton Sylvain Cappell
3:30 pm3:50 pm
4:00 pm4:20 pm Seonhee Lim Anna Wienhard
4:30 pm4:50 pm Christopher Dwyer Shmuel Weinberger
5:00 pm5:20 pm Pisheng Ding
5:30 pm6:20 pm Erdős Lecture: Timothy Gowers


[Valid CSS] [Valid XHTML 1.1] Marco Varisco - February 4, 2008.