Prof. Marco Varisco,
[email protected]
(how to email a professor),
Office: ES-120B,
Office Hours: MWF 9:10–10:00, or by appointment.
MWF 8:15–9:10 in ES-143.
Introduction to linear algebra (see the University Bulletin).
Main topics

- Systems of linear equations
- Vectors and matrices
- Vector spaces
- Determinants
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Linear transformations
- Orthogonality
You have the option to buy the textbook together with access to Pearson MyLab Math — the online homework and grading system used for this course — or to buy only the access to MyLab Math. Access to MyLab Math includes access to an electronic version of the textbook.
AMAT 113: Calculus II (see the University Bulletin).
Grading & Examinations
- 10% — Homework.
- 20% — Quizzes.
- 20% — First Exam, Friday, October 11, 8:15–9:10 in ES-143.
- 20% — Second Exam, Monday, November 18, 8:15–9:10 in ES-143.
- 30% — Final Exam, Saturday, December 14, 10:30–12:30 in ES-143.
Homework will be assigned regularly on Pearson MyLab Math from the exercises in the textbook. Beginning on Monday, August 26, you may enroll in our course on MyLab Math here. The course ID is varisco46285. You may then enter or purchase (for $103.95, including also the ebook) an access code, or start a free trial until September 9. Before September 9 you will need to obtain an access code to continue using MyLab Math. Be sure to check MyLab Math regularly for homework assignments as well as for all course announcements. Do all the homework, and then some — mathematics is not a spectator sport!
Each class will begin with a quiz, mostly consisting of questions from the homework and statements of definitions/theorems. The four lowest scores will be dropped, and no make-up quizzes will ever be given.
Please contact me as soon as possible if you cannot make one of the exams. Retroactive or last-minute requests for a make-up exam or a reweighing of the examination grades will be ignored.
New York State Education Law (Section 224-A) requires campuses to excuse, without penalty, individual students absent because of religious beliefs, and to provide equivalent opportunities for make-up examinations, study, or work requirements missed because of such absences. I will work directly with you to accommodate religious observances, provided that you notify me in a timely manner.
Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with documented physical, sensory, systemic, medical, cognitive, learning, and mental health (psychiatric) disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring accommodation in this class, please notify the Disability Resource Center ([email protected]). Upon verification and after the registration process is complete, the DRC will provide you with a letter that informs me that you are a student with a disability registered with the DRC and lists the recommended reasonable accommodations.
Of course, you are expected to follow the University’s Standards of Academic Integrity and Medical Excuse Policies. We refer to the University Bulletin for the policies on incomplete grades.