Homepage of R. Michael Range
R. Michael Range
Ph. D. 1971, University of California, Los Angeles; Diplom 1968,
University of G�ttingen, Germany
- Professor Emeritus, University at Albany (2015 - )
- Professor, University at Albany (1983 - 2014),
Chair of the Department 1992 - 1994.
- Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Washington
- University at Albany (1973 - )
- J.W. Gibbs Instructor, Yale University (1971 - 73)
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley (1996)
- Universitad Autonoma de Barcelona (1989)
- Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm (1988)
- Max Planck Institut f�r Mathematik, Bonn (1984, 1986)
- University of Bonn (1980)
Multidimensional complex analysis, integral representations, boundary
regularity of the Cauchy-Riemann equations, spaces of holomorphic
functions in several variables, function algebras
- 2004 The Lester R. Ford Award of the Mathematical Association of America,
in recognition of the publication of a noteworthy expository article
in the American Mathematical Monthly
- 2001 Distinguished Lecturer, Frontiers in Mathematics Lecture Series,
3 lectures, Texas A&M University
- 2001 Invited Lecturer at the Memorial Conference of Kiyoshi Oka's Centennial Birthday,
Kyoto, Japan
- 1994 Project Director for NSF/CBMS Regional Conference
"Complex Dynamics in Higher Dimensions", held in Albany, New York
- 1985 Project Director for "International Conference on Partial Differential Equations in
Complex Analysis" in Albany, NY, supported by the Nat. Science Foundation
- 1975-89 Principal Investigator on multiple NSF Grants
- 1974 State Univ. of New York Faculty Fellowship
- 1968-71 Chancellor's Teaching Fellowship, UCLA
- 1965-66 Fulbright Exchange Fellow, Germany - UCLA
Calculus Curriculum, Historical Aspects of Multidimensional Complex Analysis
- Zoom lecture at CINVESTAV, Mexico City, September 2021: "From Cauchy, via Martinelli-Bochner and Leray, to the Henkin-Ramirez kernel"
- Seminar Lecture, Coimbra University, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2018
- Lecture at "The Workshop on d-bar in Trondheim 2017", Norway, October 2017
- Special Seminar Lecture "A New Look at Calculus: How an Old Idea Naturally Leads from Simple Algebra to the Heart of Analysis", NTNU Trondheim, Norway, October 2017
- Mini Course "Integral Kernel Methods in Several Complex Variables", NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, September/October 2017
- Lecture at Midwest SCV Conference in Honor of J. Wermer's 90th birthday, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, June 2017
- Colloquium Lecture "How an Old Idea Naturally Leads from Simple Algebra to the Heart of Analysis", Univ. of Oslo, August 2016
- Lecture at International Conference "Complex Geometry and the Cauchy-Riemann Equation", Oslo, August 2016
- Special Lecture "Calculus: Have We Been Teaching it Wrong?", Seoul National University, Seoul, S. Korea, April 2015
- Seminar Lecture at Workshop at Busan Nat. University, Busan, S. Korea, April 2015
- Short Course "Integral Kernel Methods in Multidimensional Complex Analysis: From its Origins to Recent Results on Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains" (8 lectures), POSTECH, Pohang, S. Korea, April 2015
- Colloquium Lecture "Pseudoconvexity: What is it, and Why is it Central to Complex Analysis?", POSTECH, Pohang, S. Korea, April 2015
- Colloquium Lecture, University of Bonn, Germany, Nov. 2014
- Short Course "Integral Kernel Methods for Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains".
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, April 2014
- Colloquium Lecture, University of Arkansas, Nov. 2012
- Special Lecture at Math Club, Univ. of Arkansas, Nov. 2012
- Special Session "Complex Analysis and its Broader Impact" at the AMS Regional Meeting in Akron, Ohio, October 2012
- Lecture at University of Tokyo, Japan, July 2012
- Lecture at Hayama International Symp. on Sev. Complex Variables, Shonan Center, Japan, July 2012
- Colloquium Lecture, Xiamen University, China, October 2011
- Special Lecture on Calculus, Jiaxing University, China, October 2011
- Colloquium Lecture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, October 2011
- Special Lecture on Calculus, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, October 2011
- Seminar Lecture, Lebanese American University, Beirut, May 2011
- Seminar Lecture, University of California at Los Angeles, March 2011
- Colloquium Lecture, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, March 2011
- Undergraduate Colloquium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, February 2011
- Workshop on the d-bar Neumann Problem, E. Schroedinger International Inst., Vienna, November 2009
- Colloquium Lecture, University of Ghana, Legon (Accra), April 2007
- Oka Centennial Conference, Kyoto, Japan, October 2001
- Special Session on Complex Analysis, Joint Meeting AMS and SMM, Morelia, Mexico, May 2001
- Frontiers in Mathematics Lecturer, 3 lectures, Texas A&M University, April 2001
- Seminar Lecture, Univ. of Bologna, Italy, June 2000
- Special Session on Several Complex Variables, AMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 1999
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, 1996
- International Conference "Operator Theory for Complex and
Hypercomplex Analysis", Mexico City, 1994
- Colloquium Lecture, University of
Notre Dame, 1994
- Colloquium Lecture, University of Maryland, 1992
- International Conference "Complex Analysis and Geometry", Trento, Italy, 1991
- Seminar Lecture, Harvard University, 1990
- Seminar Lecture, Princeton University, 1989
- International Conference "Geometry and Complex Variables in Bologna", in celebration of the 9th centenary of the University of Bologna, Italy, 1989
D. Smitas, 2013 Ph.D.: "Lipschitz Estimates on Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains", Siena College, Albany, New York
J. Solowiej, 1999 Ph.D.: "Hoelder Estimates for the Solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann Equations on Convex Domains of Finite Type", Financial Analyst, London
J. Fleron, 1994 Ph.D.: "H�lder Estimates for the Cauchy-Riemann Equations near Weakly Pseudoconcave Boundaries", Professor, Westfield State College,
K. Burke, 1991 Ph.D.: "Duality in the Bergman Spaces on some Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains", Associate Professor, Northeast Louisiana University
A. Cupillari, 1984 Ph.D.: "Inner Functions and Boundaries for H^infinity on Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains", Associate Professor, Univ. of Pennsylvania at
J. Ryczaj, 1981 Ph.D.: "C^k Estimates for the Cauchy-Riemann Equations on Certain Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains", Associate Professor, Wroclaw Technical University, Poland
A New Approach to Calculus Beginning in High School. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2024 (?) (to appear).
What is Calculus? From Simple Algebra to Deep Analysis. xxxii + 340 pp., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2015.
Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex
Variables, Springer-Verlag, New York 1986. 2nd corrected printing 1998.
- From Cauchy, via Martinelli-Bochner and Leray, to the Henkin-Ramirez kernel. Boletin Sociedad Matem. Mexicana 29, #102, (2023), S1 - S20.
- Calculus: A new approach for schools that starts with simple algebra. European Math. Soc. Magazine 124 (2022), 42 - 48.
- Integral Representations in Complex Analysis: From Classical Results to Recent Developments. In: Advancements in Complex Analysis, Daniel Breaz and Michael Th. Rassias, Editors,
pp. 449 - 471, Springer Nature Switzerland 2020
Using high school algebra for a natural approach to derivatives and continuity. The Mathematical Gazette (London) 102 (2018), 435 - 446.
- A Pointwise a-priori Estimate for the d-bar Neumann Problem on Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains. Pacific J. Math. 275 (2015), 409 - 432.
Descartes's Double Point Method for Tangents: An Old Idea Suggests New Approaches to Calculus.
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 61(4) (2014), 387-389.
Edited and Translated: Von Descartes zu einem neuen Zugang zur Differentialrechnung und Analysis. Mitteilungen der DMV (2016), 26 -29.
A New Integral Kernel for Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains. Math. Ann. 356(2013), 793-808.
What is....a Pseudoconvex Domain? Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 59 (2012), 301-303.
Where are Limits Needed in Calculus? Amer. Math. Monthly 118 (2011), 404-417.
Some landmarks in the history of the tangential Cauchy-Riemann equations. Rendiconti di Matematica, Serie VII, 30 (2010)
, 275-283.
On Antiderivatives of the Zero Function. Mathematics Magazine 80 (2007), 387 - 390
Kneser's paper on the boundary values of analytic functions of two variables. In: Hellmuth Kneser, Gesammelte Abhandlungen, 872 - 876, ed. G. Betsch and K. H. Hofman, deGruyter, Berlin 2005
On the Decomposition of Holomorphic Functions by Integrals and the Local CR Extension Theorem. Adv. Studies in Pure Math. 42 (2004),
Math. Soc. Japan, 269 - 273.
Complex Analysis: A Brief Tour into Higher Dimensions, Amer. Math. Monthly 110 (2003), 89 - 108.
(Selected for the 2004 Lester R. Ford Award of the Mathematical Association of America.)
Extension Phenomena in Multidimensional Complex Analysis: Correction of the Historical Record. The Mathematical Intelligencer 24, no 2 (2002), 4 - 12
On d-bar Problems on (Pseudo) - Convex Domains. Topics in Complex
Analysis, Banach Center Publ. 31, 311 - 320, Polish Acad. of Sci.,
Warszawa 1995
Integral Kernels and H�lder Estimates for d-bar on pseudoconvex domains of
finite type in C^2. Math. Ann. 288 (1990), 63 - 74
Cauchy-Fantappie Formulas in Multidimensional Complex Analysis. Proc.
Int. Conf. "Geometry and Complex Analysis", Bologna 1989, Lect. Notes in Pure
and Appl. Math 132, 307 - 32, Marcel Dekker, New York 1991
Integral Representations and Estimates in the Theory of the d-bar Neumann
Problem. (with I. Lieb) Ann. of Math. 123 (1986), 265 - 301