Erik Demaine

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Keene State College
, NY
April 17, 2010

The seventeenth annual Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference will be held on Saturday, April 17, 2010, at Keene State College, NY. The conference includes presentations on mathematics by both faculty and students, and both are encouraged to participate. Conference sessions are designed so that some presentations are accessible to undergraduates in their first years of study, and others are accessible to third or fourth year undergraduate mathematics majors.

You can find out more about HRUMC by visiting the conference web site: HRUM - www.skidmore.edu/academics/mcs/pages/hrumc14.htm.

Those wishing to present at the conference should submit electronically an abstract by March 1. Abstracts can be submitted via the website.

Please contact your local organizer: Prof. Karin Reinhold if you plan to attend and/or participate in the conference.

The HRUM conference, is a math conference held once a year in different institutions in the area. The talks are aimed at math mayors and are given by other math mayors, graduate students and faculty. We invite all the mathematical community and specially all math mayors, to participate by either presenting some work or attending the conference, which is an enjoyable event. The conference is split into a morning session, (free) lunch and a main talk, and an afternoon session. Should you decide to attend the conference, come and talk to me, our local organizer, or drop me an e-mail: [email protected]