INSTRUCTOR: Prof. KARIN REINHOLD Office: ES 128 C Phone: 442-4641 e-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: TBA or by appointment. |
TEXT: iclicker<\em> (mandatory) (optional) Intro Stats by DeVeaux, Velleman \& Bock, Ed Pearson, Adison Wesley (optional) Mind on Statistics by Utts \& Heckard, Ed Thompson (optional) Statistics the art and science of learning from data by Agresti \& Franklin Pearson, Prentice Hall |
This class is in a pilot progrma testing iclicker technology. It is mandatory for this class to purchasE an iclicker and register it on line. If you have more than one course using the iclicker, you only need to purchase one iclicker which will work in all your classes. Go to this class' WebCT page for iclicker registration info. DEADLINE for registering the iclicker: September 4th.
The grade in the course will be based on four exams of 100 pts each, plus iclicker in class participation (total of 50 pts) plus in class or on line quizzes (total of 100 pts) and projects (total of 50 pts). We will have weekly quizzes. Familiarize yourself with webCT. The on-line quizzes and projects will be posted there. To pass the course you need to obtain a total average of 50\% or more, must not obtain a grade of 30 or less in more than one exam or in the combination of all quizzes. Although attendance is not required, it will affect your grade!! We will have daily iclicker in-class participation.
It is your responsibility to be aware of the dates of the exams and the content and due date of assignments. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to be aware of the topics discussed during that class, the assigned homework and the possibly given assignment. There are no make ups for in-class quizzes missed or class iclicker participation.
There is no reason to miss an exam other than getting sick (bring note from doctor), being on a team that has a game at the same time an exam is given (bring a note from your coach), or a death or serious illness in your family (bring a note from your family). In the event you can not attend an exam, you must notify me in advance, otherwise your grade for that exam will be 0. You can contact me by phone (leave a message if I'm not in), stop by my office (leave a note if I'm not in) or send me an e-mail.