MATH 308
Topics in Statistical Inference
Spring 2006

Office: ES 128 C
Phone: 442-4641
e-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: TBA or by appointment.
Probability and Statistics for engineering and the sciences
by Jay Devore

OTHER: become familiar with WebCT and Excel

Course description:

This course is a basic course in statistics. We will first develop the probability tools we need for the study of statstics and then will study point estimation, hypothesis testing and if time allows, regression analysis.

The grade in the course will be based on four exams, plus quizzes and class participation. The quizzes will be done on line, at home, in WebCT. Please become familiar with WebCT during the first week of classes. I will be posting homework there and weekly quizzes. To pass the course you need to obtain a total average of 50\% or more, must not obtain a grade of 30 or less in more than one exam or in the combination of all quizzes. Each exam is worth 100 pts and all the quizzes combined will also add to 100 pts.

It is your responsibility to be aware of the dates of the exams and the content and due date of assignments. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to be aware of the topics discussed during that class, the assigned homework and the and the possibly given assignment.

There is no reason to miss an exam other than getting sick (bring note from doctor), being on a team that has a game at the same time an exam is given (bring a note from your coach), or a death or serious illness in your family (bring a note from your family). In the event you can not attend an exam, you must notify me in advance, otherwise your grade for that exam will be 0. You can contact me by phone (leave a message if I'm not in), stop by my office (leave a note if I'm not in) or send me an e-mail.


Course Assignments

How to load the Data Analysis pakage in Excel.
Here is a page with instruction to do basic decriptive data analysis on Excel for data analysis.
Box Plots are not so easy but this website explains it better. Duncan's explanation. Play with the sizes if it is not working right.
sample file.
CH01: sten-and-leaf, 1-13, 1-13 box plots, 1-17, soln doc soln2 doc soln1.3 doc