Writing Checklist for Math 367Z
Based on a checklist by Annalisa Crannell at Franklin & Marshall
This list will be used to grade your assignment, and will be
returned to you with comments.
Save your paper on a disk for your own reference and for revisions.
For each problem you need to solve, consider:
Part 1 - Problem
Clearly state each problem
Part 2 - Solution
Describe in your own words the solution to the problem.
Define all variables, terminology, and notation used.
Clearly state the formulas and properties or facts that you are using to solve the problem.
If a problem requires it, give simple examples.
Make sure your paper contains correct mathematics.
Does you argument flow smoothly? Follow clear logical steps in your arguments.
Make sure you don�t leave cases out.
Clearly state the solution to the problem.
Does your paper:
use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
give acknowledgment where it is due?
use correct format for referring to references?
give evidence of creative writing?