Call No. 2722

TIME OF MEETING: Mon-Wed-Fri   9:05 - 10:00
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Karin Reinhold,  ES 128A,  phone 442-4641
Office hours:   open door policy    -   or by appt.,  or by e-mail.
TEXT: Real Analysis, (third edition),
by H. L. Royden, editor: Prentice Hall.
Prerequisits: math 511 or permission of instructor.
Math 510 centers in the study of the Lebesgue measure and the Lebesgue integral. We will study the basic properties of the Lebesgue integral, measurable functions, Egorov's Theorem, Lusin's Theorem, integrable functions, convergence theorems (Fatou's, monotone convergence Thm., dominated convergence thm.), $L^p$ spaces and inequalities, differentiation of the integral, integration in product spaces (Fubbini's Theorem) and the Radon-Nicodym derivative. Ths course gives you the basic preparation for the Real Analysis Preliminary Exam.

Your grade in the course will be based on 3 in class exams, a final exam, plus presentation of assigned homework. A temptative schedulle for the exams is as follows:

Event Points Weight 
Final examination 100 1/6
Exams (4) 100 each1/6 each
Assignments 100 total1/6 together
Total 6001
Feb. 19 no classes
Exam 1:Feb. 23 Chapters 1 to 3
Feb. 26 - Mar 2no classes, break
Mar. 22: last day to drop with a W
Exam 2: Mar. 30Chapters 4 & 5
Apr. 9 - Apr 13no classes, Spring Break
Exam 3: Apr. 18Fubini's Theorem
Exam 4: May 4 Chapter 6
Final Exam: May 7 Chapters 1-6, & Fubini