Academic Council on the Global Compact for Migration
The Academic Council on the Global Compact for Migration (ACGCM) is a group of scholars interested in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and its implementation.
The Council serves as a vehicle for migration scholars with common interests to connect, to find potential participants for conference panels and workshops, to build teams for research project proposals, to engage the UN and UN member States in support of data collection and other mutual interests and to share research outputs. Click here for examples of how members may use the ACGCM.
Council members’ interests may vary. Some may consider the Compact as an object of study itself. Others may wish to further one or more of the Compact’s 23 objectives, support UN member states’ efforts to implement the Compact and/or work with international organizations and NGOs to monitor implementation. Members may be directly researching aspects of the Global Compact; they may be working with PhD students on relevant research projects; they may be seeking clients for professional graduate student capstone projects or; they may be working with NGOs engaged in policy advocacy or helping migrants and refugees.
Given that migration scholars routinely use data collected and published by the UN, many members are particularly concerned with the Global Compact’s first objective: “Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based Policies. We commit to strengthen the global evidence base on international migration by improving and investing in the collection, analysis and dissemination of accurate, reliable, comparable data, disaggregated by sex, age, migration status and other characteristics relevant in national contexts, while upholding the right to privacy under international human rights law and protecting personal data. We further commit to ensure this data fosters research, guides coherent and evidence-based policy-making and well-informed public discourse, and allows for effective monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of commitments over time.” Given scholars’ professional interests in furthering this objective, the Council hopes to work with the UN system and member states on the actions taken to realize this commitment and contribute research toward evidence-based policymaking.
The Council seeks to expand its membership to professors, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students at universities in any UN member state as well as researchers working in International Organizations, UN member state research units and non-governmental think tanks. Scholars interested in joining should contact Rey Koslowski, Council Coordinator, at:
Rey Koslowski, Professor of Political Science, University at Albany (SUNY), ACGCM Coordinator,
As part of his ongoing Global Mobility Regimes research project, Koslowski is examining the international politics of the Global Compact for Migration and its implementation (see agenda here). Koslowski is particularly interested in the collection and publication of UN member state administrative data, especially the annual number of legal entries (for any length of time or purpose) into every UN member state. Koslowski wishes to collaborate with UN agencies, member states and other academics to help produce this statistic for total global mobility. PhD student research and Master of International Affairs capstone opportunities with IOs and NGOs are also sought.
Diego Acosta, Professor of European and Migration Law, University of Bristol (UK) and International Strategic Leader for the Research Institute Migration Mobilities Bristol.
Acosta's research concentrates on the legal regimes facilitating free movement of people at regional level in Europe, South America, the Caribbean, East Africa and the Post-Soviet Space. Acosta is particularly interested in the effects that the numerous references to the regional level in the Global Compact might have on the opening of borders at regional level and the transformations that causes for traditional understandings of the legal concept of citizenship. An expert on Europe and Latin America, Acosta's latest work analyses the construction of the national and the foreigner in 10 countries in South America during two centuries (CUP, 2018).
Fiona B. Adamson, Associate Professor of International Relations at SOAS, University of London:
Adamson’s research focuses on the international politics of migration, especially as it relates to security, diaspora politics and interstate relations. She is a member of the EU-funded project “Migration Governance and Asylum Crises” (MAGYC): and a co-convenor (with Eiko Thielemann) of the London Migration Research Group (LMRG):
Juan Pablo Aris Escarcena, PhD. Candidate University of Seville,
His research focuses on the legal and bureaucratic practice of EU member states at border zones, and how the EU and the ME are facing the “refugee crisis”. He has been interested in innovative methodologies to make the results of scientific research accessible to the general public. He has worked with the filmmaker Nicolás Braguinsky Cascini in the production of the documentary “Solidarity Crime. The borders of democracy”;
Kiran Banerjee, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Dalhousie University. |
Professor Banerjee’s research addresses global migration governance with a focus on the normative role of international institutions and domestic political actors in responding to forced displacement. Banerjee’s broader research interests include political theory, global ethics, international relations theory, and migration studies, as well as legal theory. Before joining the Department of Political Science, Banerjee was a faculty member in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan and a SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Global Policy Initiative and School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.
Tugba Basaran, Deputy Director, Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement, University of Cambridge
Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainch, Professor of Law, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3
I am assessing how the Global Compact for Migration is implemented in European domestic law and administrative practice and examining how national and regional authorities use the Compact to overcome obligations of international, regional and national instruments. I consider the panoptic trend of EU immigration and asylum policies in “The empire of the soft law in the management of migrations by the EU (forthcoming)” and presented on the involvement of the EU in the redaction of the GCM at the January 2019 conference After the Adoption of the United Nations Covenants: Towards Global Governance of Migration?
Harald Bauder, Director, Graduate Program in Immigration and Settlement Studies and Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies, Ryerson University
My research interests intersect with several objectives of the Global Compact for Migration, including providing legality and status documents to all migrants (Objective 4), pathways to legality (Objective 5), access to local services (Objective 15), and social inclusion and participation (Objective 16). My research explores in particular the role cities, municipalities, and community and local civic-society actors play in achieving these objectives.
Tendayi Bloom, Lecturer in Politics and International Studies, University of Birmingham (UK)
Tendayi Bloom carried out research into how civil society engaged in the process toward the global compact for migration thanks to funding from the Leverhulme Trust. She is currently analysing and writing up the results of this work whilst continuing to follow the implementation phase. Tendayi also researches and writes about statelessness and in particular the treatment of statelessness in global migration governance.
Anna Boucher, Associate Professor, Poltical Science and International Relations, University of Sydney
Anna Boucher is the Chief Investigator of an Australian Research Council-funded project on migrant worker rights abuses in the labour markets of the United States (California), UK (England), Canada (Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario) and Australia over twenty years. This project creates a unique Migrant Worker Rights database that codes all court cases (close to 1000) of migrant workplace abuse in these countries over this period. This instrument provides unique insights into the patterns, magnitude and nature of reported abuses in these four countries and develops an original and transferable methodology to measure rights violations on the ground.
Barbara Buckinx, Associate Research Scholar and Director of the Project on Self-Determination and Emerging Issues at the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University.
Her research interests lie in global governance, migration, refugees, citizenship, and borders. Her teaching interests also include the environment and gender. She is reviews editor for ‘Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric’ and she co-directs the Normative Immigration Theory Working Group and the Student Fellows Group of the Project on Gender in the Global Community.
Pablo Ceriani Cernadas, Professor of Law and Coordinator, Migration Human Rights Program, National University of Lanús (UNLA, Argentina) Email:
So Young Chang, Research Fellow, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies and PhD Candidate, Bielefeld University.
She is part of a 3-year project called “Every Immigrant Is an Emigrant” (IMISEM) which collects and analyses data for more than 1000 migration policy indicators for 32 cases in Asia, Latin America, and Europe. Her doctoral research looks at the policymaking process for domestic worker migration, particularly in the case of South Korea. Her interest in the GCM process comes from her engagement with civil society activism alongside NGOs in the Asia-Pacific.
Michael Clemens, Director of Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
I am conducting research on piloting and scaling Global Skill Partnerships (GSPs). GSPs are a new type of migration agreement recommended by the Global Compact for Migration (Objective 18e). They involve pre-migration technical training of potential migrants in the migrant-origin country, directly supported by technology and finance from the migrant-destination country. GSPs are currently being tested around the world, and offer the potential to craft new regular migration channels with more tangible benefits to both countries.
Cosmin Corendea, Associate Professor, Jindal Global Law School
For over 15 years, Dr. Corendea works on the legal application and implementation of international norms into traditional legal systems in South Asia and the Pacific, focusing on the interrelation between human mobility, human rights and environmental degradation (climate change and disasters), as emphasized in the Global Compact on Migration. Dr. Corendea recently authored for the Republic of Fiji- The Planned Relocation Guidelines- A framework to undertake climate change related relocation, the first domestic policy regulated by international hybrid law, a concept he initiated back in 2007.
François Crépeau, Professor and the Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law, Faculty of Law, McGill University
My interest in the Global Compact on Migration stems from my mandate of United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants (2011-2017). Having witnessed firsthand the need for better migration governance and written several reports on the issue, at European and global levels, I have accompanied the process leading to the Global Compact and contributed two reports towards its elaboration. I was quite happy with the resulting text – despite obvious blind spots – and believe that its call for a global “facilitation” of mobility is spot on: mobility must become easier, cheaper, faster, safer and regular, for almost all.
Sarah Deardorff Miller, Adjunct Professorial Lecturer, School of International Service, American University
Cristiano d’Orsi, Research Fellow and Lecturer at the South African Research Chair in International Law (SARCIL), Faculty of Law, University of Johannesburg.
My primary interest in the GCM is to analyse the Common Position (CAP) on the GCM adopted by African States in January 2018, specifically CAP’s six thematic areas: 1) drivers of migration 2) human rights of migrants 3) smuggling and trafficking of migrants 4) international cooperation and governance of migration 5) irregular migration and regular pathways and 6) contributions of migrants and the diaspora. Any of these areas should help the continent: for example, in fighting poverty, corruption as well as improving education. I am also interested in the possible collaboration between the GCM and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).
Michael W. Doyle, University Professor at Columbia University in the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia Law School and the Department of Political Science.
While serving as Assistant Secretary-General and Special Adviser to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Doyle submitted a 2002 report that suggested options on how to strengthen the role of the United Nations in the area of international migration, including formation of what became the Global Commission International Migration. Doyle directed the Columbia Global Policy Initiative, which supported the Sutherland report research and drafting team and he led the effort to draft the Model International Mobility Convention.
Cristina-Ioana Dragomir, Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, School of International Relations and Politics.
Dr. Dragomir’s work focuses on immigration and citizenship, human rights and subaltern studies, and she examines how the intersection of gender, class, race and ethnicity impacts the migrants’ safe journey and their contributions to sustainable development at the local, national, regional and global levels.
Howard Duncan, Executive Head, Metropolis Secretariat in Ottawa, Carleton University
Marisa O. Ensor, Adjunct Professor, Justice and Peace Studies Program, Georgetown University
M. Murat Erdogan, Professor and Director of TAU Migration and Integration Research Center, Türk-Alman Üniversitesi
Over 6.5 million people of Turkish origin live abroad and Turkey has been hosting the most refugees in the world since 2014, exceeding 4.1 million in September 2019. The GCM and GCR provide opportunities for Turkey, such as "sharing responsibility", a greater role of local governments to participate in the decision making process of migrants/refugees etc. Likewise, Turkey plays and essential role in developing better processes of management for migrants and refugees. Issues to which I wish to contribute my expertise.
Elizabeth Ferris, Research Professor, Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University
I’m particularly interested in protection of migrants who, for one reason or another, do not qualify as refugees under the 1951 convention, particularly those who move because of environmental/climate change. I will also be following the implementation of both global compacts, continuing to look at global governance and looking for ways to address the compacts’ failure to include internal displacement. Here’s a link to my recent book, co-authored with Katharine Donato, on the global compacts.
David Scott FitzGerald, Theodore E. Gildred Chair in U.S.-Mexican Relations, Professor of Sociology, and Co-Director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at University of California San Diego,
My research examines policies regulating migration and asylum in countries of origin, transit, and destination. I am especially interested in the diffusion of norms (How Their Laws Affect Our Laws: Mechanisms of Immigration Policy Diffusion in the Americas, 1790‒2010) and the intersection of international migration and refugee studies (The Sociology of Refugee Migration).
Richard Friman, Professor of Political Science, Marquette University
Alan Gamlen, Associate Professor of Geography at Monash University, Melbourne
I was in Marrakech for the signing of the Global Compact, which represented the latest phase in the evolution of global migration governance, a long process that I have been following since 2005. I have focused on the role of optimism about the relationship between migration and development in this process, and particularly on the part played by diasporas and emigration states. My latest book, Human Geopolitics, deals extensively with these topics.
Justin Gest, Associate Professor of Policy and Government, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
Justin Gest 's research examines the governance and consequences of demographic change. Across a series of books and articles, his previous work has focused on minority politics, nativist backlash, and comparative immigration policy across 30 countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas. Co-Chair of the International Migrants Bill of Rights (IMBR) Initiative at Cornell University, he is currently leading the creation of a migrant rights database sponsored by the World Bank and Swiss Government, which catalogues human rights protections for migrants in 35 countries worldwide.
Geoff Gilbert, Professor of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, University of Essex
Working with UNHCR in 2017-18 on the political participation of refugees in their country of nationality and on exclusion and national security, I was invited, first, to participate in the Thematic Discussions on the Global Compact on Refugees and then in the Formal Consultations - I attended every session and contributed orally or in writing as appropriate. As such, I have an interest in how the parallel mechanisms for the GCM develop and in how the inter-linkages between the two compacts can be fostered.
Jill Goldenziel, Associate Professor at Marine Corps University-Command and Staff College Email:
Since 2016, Dr. Goldenziel has participated in High-Level Meetings related to the UN Global Compact for Migration, including speaking alongside world leaders before 164 UN Member-States at the Intergovernmental Conference to adopt the Global Compact in Marrakech, speaking at the 2018 Inter-Parliamentary Union/UN Annual Inter-Parliamentary Hearings, and submitting draft language for the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and the Global Compact for Migration. Through the Academic Council on the UN System (ACUNS), she is also now actively involved in the implementation and follow-up process for the Global Compact for Migration. Dr. Goldenziel is writing a book on how the U.S.'s politicization of refugee and migration crises harms international security.
Elspeth Guild, Jean Monnet Professor, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London
Virginie Guiraudon, CNRS Research Director and Faculty Member, Sciences Po Center for European Studies
Miryam Hazán, Organization of American States (OAS)
Miryam Hazán is a migration specialist at the Organization for American States (OAS) where she is responsible for collecting the data and putting together the “Report of the Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas” (SICREMI) published in collaboration with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), whose main goal is to contribute to the design of evidence-based policies and normative frameworks on international migration in the Americas through access to accurate, reliable, systematized and harmonized data and information. She is also responsible for the Technical Secretariat to the Committee for Migratory Affairs, which constitutes the main space within the Americas for political dialogue, cooperation and the exchange of best practices.
Jenna L. Hennebry, Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies and the Balsillie School of International Affairs, and Co-Founder of the International Migration Research Centre at Wilfrid Laurier University
Angela Ju, Assistant Professor of Global Studies & Political Science, St. Edward's University
Angela Ju’s research deals with the political incorporation of migrants within the Global South. Currently, she is finishing up her book manuscript, Immigration in Another America: The Political Incorporation of Immigrants in Brazil. Because data about immigration to non-OECD countries is often scarce, she is particularly interested in the collection and publication of UN member state administrative data for states outside the OECD and in partnerships with universities in developing countries with an interest in this data. She seeks to train students to think about international migration comparatively in countries of the Global North as well as countries of the Global South.
Liliana Lyra Jubilut, Professor of the Post-graduate Program in Law at Universidade Católica de Santos and a Member of the IOM Migration Research Leaders’ Syndicate. Email:
Jubilut holds a PhD and a Master’s in International Law from Universidade de São Paulo and a LL.M. in International Legal Studies from New York University School of Law. She researches integral protection of refugees and other forced migrants, through a dialogue with human rights. She is particularly interested in protection in Latin America and Brazil and traditional topics of refugee/forced migrants’ protection and their access to durable solutions and human rights. She’s keen to follow whether the GCM implementation will benefit forced migrants, possible dialogues with the GCR, and the possibilities of the document assisting in enhancing protection to all migrants.
Başak Kale, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University
Hari KC, PhD candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada (
His doctoral dissertation examines the migration governance issues, focusing on Nepali women migrants in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Hari is involved in a SSHRC project that looks at bilateral migration agreements from a gender perspective. His previous journal articles and book chapters address intersecting issues of women migrants and SDGs, gendered sovereignty and globalization, and governance and disability. Hari also contributes op-eds to Nepal’s dailies ( and
Katie Kuschminder, Assistant Professor, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance/ UNU-Merit, Maastricht University
Katie Kuschminder's research focuses on return migration and reintegration, migrants decision making within migration journeys, and the nexus of policy and migrants experiences of irregular and forced migration. Her research has included journeys to Europe from Africa and onwards movements from Turkey, Greece and the Western Balkans. She is the author of Reintegration Strategies: Conceptualizing How Return Migrants Reintegrate (Springer, 2017).
Ian Matthew Kysel, Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School.
Ian Kysel’s research interests include the human rights of international migrants. He directs the work of the International Migrants Bill of Rights (IMBR) Initiative at Cornell University. Kysel is a co-author of the IMBR, a soft law restatement of the rights of all migrants, regardless of the cause of their migration.
Gallya Lahav, Associate Professor of Political Science, Stony Brook University (SUNY).
With research interests in comparative public opinion and international policy cooperation, Lahav focuses on the impact of demographic, geo-political, security, and regulatory changes on citizen attitudes towards migration (e.g., ‘replacement migration’), as well as policy constraints in the form of civil, constitutional and human rights. Her current book project offers robust evidence of attitudinal constraints on mobility management in a new global security environment by drawing on cross-national and longitudinal survey data, national policy reports, party manifesto data and elite interviews from across Europe and the United States. She has also served as a consultant to the UN Population Division, European Parliament and the Israel Population and Immigration Authority.
Guofu Liu, Professor of Law, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Guofu Liu ’s recent research focuses on migration and refugee law. He is the author of many monographs and reports, including The Right to Leave and Return and Chinese Migration Law (Nijhoff) and Chinese Immigration Law (Ashgate), Chinese Refugee Law (Nijhoff). He finished about 30 academic research projects regarding migration, refugee law and policy in China, the UN and EU. Guofu is an advisory expert for many of China’s competent authorities and actively involved in relevant legislation.
Sarah Lockhart, Associate Professor of Political Science, Fordham University
Sarah Lockhart is the author, along with Jeannette Money, of the book Migration Crises and the Structure of International Cooperation. Her research has focused on when and how states work together to address migration policy challenges, and the role of international organizations in these activities. She is particularly interested in the links between immigration enforcement, refugee and asylum policy, smuggling, and trafficking.
Willem Maas, Professor of Political Science, York University
Willem Maas holds the Jean Monnet Chair and chairs the Political Science department at York University's Glendon campus in midtown Toronto. He writes on EU and multilevel citizenship, migration, and politics focusing on Europe and Canada. His current research includes projects on internal migration, the role of money in migration, and the relationship between federalism and the free movement of people.
Olawale Maiyegun, PhD, Senior Adviser, Centre for Sport & Human Rights, Geneva and former Director, Department of Social Affairs, African Union
A diplomat and researcher, Olawale Maiyegun’s interest in population movement and mobility has been in the area of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants - dating back to the participation in the negotiations of the Palermo Protocols on Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants supplementing the Transnational Organized Convention. He also had the privilege of participating in the GCM process. Current research focus is on human rights in sport with particular interest in migration and trafficking of young African athletes. It’s about documenting the human rights risks and collection of accurate data for evidence-based mitigation and remedy policies.
Izabella Majcher, Researcher at the Global Detention Project,
Izabella is a researcher in international human rights and refugee law, with expertise in European Union immigration and asylum policy. She is also a visitor to immigration detainees with the Ligue Suisse des Droits de l’Homme. She holds a PhD in international law from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva. Her doctoral thesis focused on the EU return/expulsion policy and its compliance with international human rights law (the book is forthcoming with Brill/Nijhoff).
Philip Martin, Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis
He is editor of Rural Migration News and the author of numerous research publications on migration and farm labor. His most recent book is Managing Merchants of Labor: Recruiters and International Labor Migration (Oxford, 2017).
Susan Martin, Donald G. Herzberg Professor Emerita, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
She founded Georgetown’s Institute for the Study of International Migration. Before coming to Georgetown, Dr. Martin served as the Executive Director of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. She is the author or editor of more than a dozen books and numerous journal articles, book chapters and policy reports. She is the co-editor of a special issue of the journal, International Migration, focusing on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees.
Charles Martin-Shields, Senior Researcher, German Development Institute
Charles Martin-Shields is a co-investigator in the German Development Institute's project 'Reducing root causes of forced displacement and managing migration'. Over the last two years his work has focused on development and refugee agencies' use of digital technologies to manage migration and provide services to refugees. In his position at the German Development Institute he also provides policy advice to the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and EU.
Kevin McGahan, Lecturer, Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore.
McGahan (PhD, Wisconsin) conducts research on international relations, Southeast Asian politics, human rights, global migration, and global governance. He recently has supervised student-led projects related to global migration governance and the Global Compact on Migration. He also consults with various stakeholders in Southeast Asia in addressing migration issues, such as human trafficking, migrant worker rights, and refugee protections.
Nicholas Micinski, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for the Study of Europe, Boston University
Micinski’s research looks broadly at international cooperation on migration, particularly state and IO responses to refugee “crises.” Micinski’s book project examines new forms of cooperation between the UN, EU, and its member states during the 2015-17 crisis, including the Global Compacts. Another aspect of this research traces the evolution of the concept of “migration and development” in the UN and the Global Compacts. This includes analyses of new data on migration and development aid and the mainstreaming of migration into development planning.
Daniel Naujoks, Lecturer in International and Public Affairs and Interim Director of International Organization & UN Studies Specialization, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs
Daniel Naujoks’ research focuses on the effects of migration, refugees, and citizenship on social, economic, and political development, migrants’ and refugee rights, ethnic identity and the genesis of diaspora and citizenship policies. His recent research sheds light on the integration of migration and displacement into public policies and the links to the Sustainable Development Goals. Dr. Naujoks regularly advises governments and international organizations and serves as chair of the International Studies Association’s Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Migration Studies section.
Imelda Nicolas, Member of the Open Society Foundation (OSF) International Migration Imitative (IMI) Advisory Committee Email address:
Imelda Nicolas served as Chairperson of the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO), a Cabinet-level Secretary position, until June 30, 2016. Former Secretary Nicolas also serves on the Migration Advisory Board (MAB) of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and International Steering Committee of Metropolis International.
Midori Okabe, Professor, Department of International Legal Studies, Sophia University.
Okabe focuses on international cooperation on migration management. Her very recent works include her chapter on the EU-ASEAN relations in S. Carrera et al. ed. The EU External Migration Policy in an Era of Global Mobilities (Brill/Nijhoff, 2018). She is also launching a project on the engagement by Japan and other Asian countries into the global governance framework of migration.
Gül Oral, PhD Candidate in the Department of International Relations, Kadir Has University
She is the Publication Coordinator of the Journal of International Relations Her research focuses on the migration and border security in the context of the EU-Turkey relations. She is interested in migration and security practices of the EU as well as the impact of IOs in migration management.
Allison Petrozziello, PhD Candidate in Global Governance, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada).
Petrozziello specializes in gender and migration governance, and co-authored with Jenna Hennebry the article “Closing the Gap? Gender and the Global Compacts for Migration and Refugees” [International Migration, 2019]. As a consultant for UN Women, she authored Gender on the Move: Working on the Migration-Development Nexus from a Gender Perspective (2013). Her doctoral research focuses on birth registration and statelessness among children of migrants and refugees.
Nicola Piper, Professor of International Migration at the University of Sydney (and the Founding Director of the Sydney Asia Pacific Migration Centre)
She is currently a British Academy Global Professor Fellow hosted by Queen Mary University of London’s School of Law to conduct research on global governance of labour migration and the role of the International Labour Organisation in the promotion of decent work for migrant workers (January 2019 to December 2022).
Jeffrey D. Pugh is Assistant Professor in the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, & Global Governance at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He is also the executive director of the Center for Mediation, Peace, and Resolution of Conflict (CEMPROC), based in Quito, Ecuador. Pugh's research focuses on the role of non-state actors and international institutions influencing governance and peacebuilding in the Global South, especially in migrant-receiving areas of Ecuador. Pugh has developed several experiential programs over the past ten years, including the UMass Boston/FLACSO Summer Institute on Conflict Transformation across Borders in Quito-Ecuador.
Parvati Raghuram, Professor of Geography and Migration at the Open University.
She is a member of the executive board of IMISCOE and is co-editor of the series Mobility and Politics (Palgrave). She has an abiding interest in skilled migration, student mobility and care migrants. She is keen to see the issue of negative remittances, especially as it relates to student fees taken up by the Global Compact and seeks to connect with student unions and national governments interested in raising this issue of students, post-study visas and fees. She is also working on the relations between migration and inclusive growth, especially in the case of Africa and on migration and care worker mobility in the Asian context and is interested in transferable rights for migrant workers.
Corey Robinson, PhD Candidate in the Department of Politics and Graduate Fellow at the Centre for Refugee Studies, York University
Corey’s research analyzes the growing preoccupation with ‘managing’ the humanitarian challenges and development opportunities associated with international migration. Corey is currently developing a project on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration which examines the political controversies that animate the global dialogue on migration governance and the role of technical experts and laypersons—specifically anti-immigrant coalitions and right-wing political parties in North America and Europe—in this debate.
Stefan Rother, Senior Researcher, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute, University of Freiburg
His research has focused on global migration governance since the 2008 Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) in Manila and he has participated in numerous global and regional events since then. His main interest is on global migration governance from below - the role of migrant and refugee civil society in the deliberations and the potential for the democratization of international institutions and fora. Since 2010, he publishes a blog on global migration governance, development and human rights His most recent publication is “Tokens or Stakeholders in Global Migration Governance? The Role of Affected Communities and Civil Society in the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees” (with Elias Steinhilper, in International Migration early view). Twitter: @srother
Markus Rudolf, Senior Researcher, Bonn International Center for Conversion
Gabriella Sanchez, lead of Migrant Smuggling Research at the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute.
While migrant smuggling figures prominently in the discourse of the GCM, empirical data on its dynamics are scant. Sanchez convenes an international network of researchers and practitioners who alongside migrants and those behind their journeys craft and disseminate primary source, grounded work on irregular mobility practices and their criminalization.
Martin A Schain, Professor of Politics, Emeritus, New York University
Eugene Sensenig, Professor for Gender, Communications, and Global Mobility Studies, Faculty of Law and Political Science at Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU), Lebanon
He worked in the field of migration and refugee studies ( in Austria prior to moving to Lebanon, where he co-founded the Lebanese Emigration Research Center ( in 2003. He has carried out studies for the ILO, IOM, and European Parliament on migration and refugees in the MENA region, and chaired an education and housing NGO for Syrian refugees. His research and teaching focuses on the link between ethnicity, gender, citizenship, and social class and he is currently working on the role of Christian social justice discourse in the Middle East as it applies to migration, refugees, and marginalization in general.
Michael Sharpe, Associate Professor of Political Science, York College, The City University of New York (CUNY)
Nando Sigona, Professor and Chair of International Migration and Forced Displacement, University of Birmingham, UK.
Nando Sigona has carried extensive research on undocumented migration, child and youth mobility, statelessness and Europe’s ‘migration crisis’. He contributed at the GCM thematic session on undocumented migration and was an invited speaker at the IOM/UNICEF “Children and Young Migrants on the Move” symposium in Agadir, Morocco. He is particularly interested to the externalisation of EU migration enforcement in Africa and its co-option of GCM objectives for this purpose.
Hannah Thinyane, Principal Research Fellow, United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society (UNU-CS) in Macau SAR, China
Her research focuses on ICT for development, and human-computer interaction, particularly looking at the use of technology to enhance the agency of vulnerable migrants (Objective 1, Objective 7). Her research interests are mobile computing, human-computer interaction and the use of ICTs for development.
Anna Triandafyllidou, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration
While the renewed interest in international migration and asylum challenges and how to turn them into opportunities is most welcome, I am concerned that the emphasis on regular, safe and orderly migration seeks to create a sharp distinction between regular and irregular migration in policy while on the ground this separation is pretty fuzzy. We need to keep in mind that a good part of international flows have mixed motivations and do not follow pre-described routes. But we need to cater for these people too and find a balance between states’ interests and migrants’ needs and desires