Rui Li, Ph.D.



My main research interests include the spatial and cognitive theories on supporting spatial awareness in navigation, the design and evaluation of prototypes to support spatial orientation, App development for regional and historical sites, and spatial disparity in pandemic.

Here is a list of sample projects with their completion status. For a full list of publication, please see CV.

Redlining Policy and Later-Life Mortality with Linked HRS-1940 Census Data
Visulizating distant information on mobile platforms [Demo][Full paper]
Spatial and social disparity of COVID-19 outcome in New York City Neighborhoods.
Comparison of wayfiding directions between American and German cities.


Teaching is an important part of my academic career by not only introducting the fundemental theories and practial skills to students but also advising students to carry out reserach projects that contribute to the literature or communities. Here are a few sample courses that I teach regularly.

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    Introduction to Geospatial Technologies

    For students with no previous GIS knowledge. The only required course in GIS Minor curriculum.

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    Introduction to Cartography

    Introductory course on basic map concepts and practical skills of creating your own thematic and online maps.

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    Advanced GIS

    Creating your own small GIS database. Practical analyses of spatial data from own communities: crime data, election, and Mesonet, etc.

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    GIS Project Development

    Capstone course for MS GIS students to develop reserach projects as well as practical solutions to communitiy requests.

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    Human Factors in GIS

    From a cogntive perspective, addressing the human dimension/factors in GIScience.

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    Transferring data to knowledge

    Designing, developing, and proposing geospatial solutions to support decision making.


I am an amateure but enthusastic in graphics design, especially logos.
Here are some examples of logos that I've designed in the past and have been used in events or business.