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Borough of Manhattan

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Definitely worth visiting. The MET is a really huge museum so I wouldn't suggest trying to see everything in one day. There are so many great exhibits and each one is unique to a specific time period. Here is a video of the scenery outside and a bit of the inside.

Museum of Modern Art

Along with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the MoMA is another museum to definitely visit. One of my personal favorite paintings is located in the museum, A Starry Night. Here is a video of the MoMa and a bit about the museum.

Borough of Brooklyn

Coney Island

A board walk along the beach that features amusement rides. There are also batting cages, little shops, and restaurants. Kids love Coney Island and not just because there are rides but they could win prizes too!

Brooklyn Bridge

This would have to be my favorite attraction from all the boroughs of NYC. Even though there are no rides on the bridge you can always ride your bike on it. The view at night from the brooklyn bridge is just the most beautiful site. This is definitely a must to visit!

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Borough of Queens

Flushing Meadows-Corona Park

Ever seen the gigantic metal globe that is featured in some New York City clips? Well if so then you can find that attraction in Queens. I would recommend visiting it at some point.

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Borough of the Bronx

New York Botanical Garden

It is obvious that New York City does not have much green space, except for the parks. It is nice to look at all the sky scrapers but someotimes looking at what nature can provide is essential. The New York Botanical Garden is the place to go for that!

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