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Inviting Your Participation at the upcoming 2013 ASA Conference. Be a part of the future 2013 Caucus planning!

The Women's Caucus Steering Committee is made up of Committee Chairs and recent past Convenors and others who answer the Co-Convenor's call to become Steering Committee members or have interest in joining. If you are interested in becoming a Steering Committee member, please contact the Co-Convenors.

Each Steering Member is welcomed to chair a Committee and will work with the Co-convenors to develop Women's Caucus projects and programs.

Joining a Committee is a great way to participate at ASA. All committees will need volunteers for 2013.

Program Planning (ASA Panels and Speakers)

Membership and Outreach

Planning for the 2013 Auction and "Meet and Greet" at the upcoming 2013 ASA meeting in Baltimore, MD.

November 21-24, 2013

Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel
Baltimore, MD.

The Aidoo-Snyder Book Prize

The Graduate Student Paper Prize

Communication: WC Listserv and Web Page

Nominations and Elections

Mission and Constitution

Fund Raising and Grants

Betty Wambui,
2011 - 2012 Co-Convenor
, wambuiba@oneonta.edu State University of New York SUNY Oneonta,
(607) 232-0999



Upcoming Events

Ideas for the Caucus, relevant conferences or job postings to share?

Please send to ASA Women's Caucus Co-Convenors

Betty Wambui


Natasha Gordon-Chipembere,

Thank you!





Aidoo-Snyder Book Award


In 2004, the Women's Caucus established the Aidoo-Snyder Book Prize for works in English which prioritize African women's experiences.

The Aidoo-Snyder book prize is awarded by the Women's Caucus of the African Studies Association for an outstanding book that prioritizes African women's experiences.

Named in honor of Ama Ata Aidoo, the celebrated Ghanaian novelist and short-story writer, and Margaret Snyder the founding Director of UNIFEM, this $500 prize seeks to acknowledge the excellence of contemporary scholarship being produced by women about African women. In alternate years, the prize is awarded for the best scholarly book, or for the best creative work.

The 2011 Aidoo-Snyder Book prize was awarded to Unoma Azuah, for her collection of creative work including her two books, Length of Light: A Collection of Short Stories (2008), Sky-High Flames: A Novel (2005), and her forthcoming publication entitled, Edible Bones (December 2011). In addition to her creative work, Ms. Azuah has also contributed numerous essays and chapters addressing African sexuality and gender diversity.

The 2010 Aidoo-Snyder Book Prize was awarded to Aminatta Forna, for her work, Ancestor Stones (2006)

The 2007 Aidoo-Snyder Book Prize was awarded to Grace Bantebya-Kyomuhendo and Marjorie Keniston McIntosh for their work of history, Women, Work, and Domestic Virtue in Uganda, 1900-2003 (Ohio University Press, 2006).

The 2006 prize for a creative work was awarded to Yvonne Vera for her book, The Stone Virgins (2002).


The 2005 prize for a scholarly work went to Heidi J. Nast for her book, Concubines and Power (2005).