Adams, Hannah. (1775-1831
or 1832) Letters on the Gospels. Cambridge: Printed by
Hilliard and Metcalf, 1824.
Beecher, Catharine Esther
(1800-1878) Suggestions Respecting Improvements in Education.
Hartford: Packer and Butler, 1829.
Brooks, Maria Gowen. (b.1796)
Judith, Esther, and other Poems, by a Lover of the Fine Arts.
Boston: Cummings and Hilliard, 1820.
_____. Zophiel, a Poem. Boston: Richardson
and Lord, 1825.
Cheney, Harriet Vaughan Foster.
(b.1796) The Sunday School, or Village Sketches, 1820.
_____. A Peep at the Pilgrims in Sixteen Hundred
Thirty-Six: A Tale of Olden Times. 2 vols. Boston: Wells and
Lilly, 1824.
_____. The Rivals of Acadia, an old story of the
New World. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1827.
Child, Lydia Maria Francis.(1802-1880)
Hobomok. Boston: Cummings and Hilliard, 1824
_____. Evenings in New England. Boston: Cummings,
Hilliard and Company, 1824.
_____. The rebels: or, Boston Before the Revolution.
Boston: Cummings, Hilliard and Company, 1825.
_____. Emily Parker, or Impulse, not principle.
Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, Isaac R. Butts and Company, Printers,
_____. The First Settlers of New England; or,
Conquest of the Pequots, Narragansetts, and Pokanokets. Boston:
Munroe and Francis; New York: C.S. Francis, 1828.
_____. Biographical Sketches of Great and Good
Men. Boston: Putnam and Hunt; Philadelphia: Thomas T. Ash,
_____, ed. Moral Lessons in Verse. Cambridge:
Hilliard and Brown, 1828.
____. The Frugal Housewife. Boston: Marsh
and Capen, 1829.
Cushing, Eliza Lanesford Foster.
(1794-1854?) Saratoga: A Tale of the Revolution. 2 vols.
Boston: Cummings, Hilliard and Company, 1824.
_____. Yorktown: An Historical Romance. Boston:
Wells and Lilly, 1826.
Davidson, Lucretia Maria.
(1808-1825) Amir Khan and Other Poems. New York: G. &
C. & H. Carvill, 1829.
Dix, Dorothea Lynde. (1802-1887)
Conversations on Common Things; or, Guide to Knowledge .
Boston: Munroe and Francis, 1824.
_____. Hymns for Children: Selected and Altered,
With Appropriate Texts of Scripture. Boston: Munroe and Francis,
_____. Evening Hours. Boston: Munroe and Francis;
New York: Charles S. Francis, 1825.
_____. John Williams, or The Sailor Boy. Boston:
Bowles and Dearborn, 1827.
_____. Marrion Wilder; or, The Passionate Little
Girl. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1827.
_____. The Prize: or, Three Half Crowns. Boston:
Bowles and Dearborn, 1827.
_____. George Mills, or, The Little Boy Who Did
Not Love His Books. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn,1828.
_____. Meditations for Private Hours. Boston:
Munroe and Francis, 1828.
_____. Robert Woodward; or, The Heedless Boy.
Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1828.
_____. The Storm. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn,
_____. Sequel to Marrion Wilder. Boston: Bowles
and Dearborn, 1828.
_____, ed. The Garland of Flora. Boston: S.G.
Goodrich and Company and Carter and Hendell, 1829.
_____. The Pearl or Affection's Gift: A Christmas
and New Year's Present. Philadelphia, 1829. [There are no
known copies extant.]
Embury, Emma Catherine Manley
(1806-1863) Guido: A Tale; Sketches from History and Other
Poems. New York: G. & C. Carvill, 1828.
Evans, Sarah Ann.Resignation:
An American Novel.2 vols. Boston: Printed
for the author by John B. Russell, 1825.
Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot.
(1787-1860) The Well-Spent Hour. No. I-XII. Boston: Wait,
Greene and Company, 1827-28.
_____. The Warning. Boston: Wait, Greene and
Company, 1829.
_____, ed. Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la
Mothe, 1615-1715. Selections from the Writings of Fenelon.
Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1829.
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell.
(1788-1879) The Genius of Oblivion and Other Original Poems.
Concord: Jacob B. Moore, 1823.
_____. Northwood: A Tale of New England. Boston:
Bowles and Dearborn, 1827.
_____. Sketches of American Character. Boston:
Putnam and Hunt and Carter and Hendee, 1829.
Hale, Sarah Preston Everett.
(1796-1866) Boston Reading Lessons for Primary Schools.
Boston: Richardson, Lord and Holbrook, 1828.
Hart, Jannette M. Nahant;
or, "The Floure of Souvenance." Philadelphia: H.C.
Carey and I. Lea, 1827.
_____. Cora; or The Genius of America. Philadelphia:
E. Littell, 1828.
Huntington, Susan Mansfield.
(1791-1823) Little Lucy; or, The Careless Child Reformed.
Cambridge: Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, 1820.
Leslie, Eliza. (1787-1858)
Seventy-five Recipes for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.
Boston: Monroe and Francis; New York: C.S. Francis, 1827.
_____. The Mirror; or, Eighteen Juvenile Tales
and Dialogues. 2 vol. Boston: Munroe and Francis; New York:
Charles S. Francis, 1828.
_____, trans. Eugene and Lolotte; A Tale for Children.
Written by Contesse de Stephanie Felicite Genlis. Boston: Munroe
and Francis; New York: Charles S. Francis, 1828.
_____. Stories for Emma: Being a Series of Easy
Reading Lessons, with the Syllables Divided. Boston: Munroe
and Francis, 1829; New York: C.S. Francis, 1828-1829.
_____. Stories for Adelaide: Being a Second Series
of Easy Reading Lessons, With Divided Syllables. Philadelphia:
Thomas T. Ash, 1829.
_____. The Young Americans, or, Sketches of a
Sea Voyage, and a Short Visit to Europe. Boston: Munroe and
Francis; New York: C.S. Francis, 1829.
Morton, Sarah Wentworth Apthorp
(1759-1846) My Mind and Its Thoughts in Sketches, Fragments,
and Essays. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1823.
Phelps, Almira Hart Lincoln.
(1793-1884) Familiar Lectures on Botany. Hartford: H. and
F.J. Huntington, 1829.
Livermore, Harriet. (1788-1868)
Scriptural evidence in favor of female testimony in meetings
for Christian worship in letters to a friend. Portsmouth [N.H.]:
Foster, 1824.
_____.An epistle of love, addressed to the youth
and children of Germantown, Pa., county of Philadelphia. Philadelphia:
J. Rakestraw, 1826.
_____. A narration of religious experience. In
twelve letters. Vol 1. Concord [N.H.]: printed by Jacob B.
Moore, for the author, 1826.
Reed, Anna C.The Life
of George Washington. Philadelphia: American
Sunday-School Union, 1829.
Robbins, Eliza, (1786-1853)
compiler. American popular lessons, chiefly selected from the
writings of Mrs. Barbauld, Miss Edgeworth, and other approved
authors.New York: S. Heustis, 1820.
_____. Sequel to American popular lessons. New York: Collins
and Hannay, 1827.
_____, ed. Poetry for schools; designed for reading and recitation.
New York: White, Gallaher and White, 1828.
_____. Primary dictionary, or Rational vocabulary, consisting
of nearly four thousand words, adapted to the comprehension of
children and designed for the younger classes in schools.
New York: R. Lockwood, 1828.
_____. Tales from American History; containing the principal
facts in the life of Christopher Columbus. 3 vols. New York:
Harper and Brothers, 1829.
Rowson, Susanna Haswell. (1762-1824) Biblical Dialogues
Between a Father and His Family: Comprising Sacred History from
the Creation to the Birth of our Savior. Boston: Richardson
and Lord, 1822.
_____. Charlotte's Daughter; or, The Three Orphans: A Sequel
to Charlotte Temple. Boston: Richardson and Lord, 1828.
Royall, Anne Newport. (1769-1854) Sketches of history,
life, and manners in the United States, by a traveler. New
Haven: Printed for the author, 1826.
_____. The Tennessean: A novel, founded on facts. New Haven:
Printed for the author, 1827.
_____. The Cabinet [a play]. 1828.
_____. The Black Book: or, A Continuation of Travels in the
United States. 3 vols. Washington: Printed for the author,
_____. Mrs. Royall's Pennsylvania. 2 vols. Washington:
Printed for the author, 1829.
Sanders, Elizabeth Elkins. (1762-1851) Conversations,
principally on the aborigines of North America. Salem, Massachusetts:
W. and S.B. Ives, 1828.
Savage, Sarah. (1785-1837) Filial Affection, or The
Clergyman's granddaughter. Boston: Cummings and Hilliard,
_____. James Talbot. Cambridge: Hilliard and Metcalf; Boston:
Published at The Christian Register Office, 1821.
_____. Advice to a young woman at service: in a letter from
a friend. New York: New York Book Society; Boston: Trustees
of the Publishing Fund by J.B. Russell, 1823.
_____. The Badge: A Moral Tale for Children. Boston: Office
of the Christian Register, 1824.
_____. Life of Philip, the Indian chief. Salem: Whipple
and Lawrence, 1827.
_____. Sunday School Conversations on Some Interesting Subjects
Recorded in the New Testament. Boston: Cottons and Barnard,
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. (1789-1867) Mary Hollis,
An Original Tale. New York: New York Unitarian Book Society,
_____. A New England Tale. New York: E. Bliss and E. White,
_____. Redwood. New York: E. Bliss and E. White, 1824.
_____. The Travellers: A Tale Designed for Young People.
New York: E. Bliss and E. White, 1825.
_____. The Deformed Boy. Boston: Munroe and Francis; Brookfield:
E.and G. Merriam, 1826.
_____. Hope Leslie. New York: White, Gallaher, and White,
_____. A short essay to do good. Stockbridge [Ma.]: Republished
from the Christian teacher's manual, 1828.
Sedgwick, Elizabeth Buckminster Dwight (1801-1864) The
Beatitudes. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1828.
Sedgwick, Susan Anne Livingston Ridley (1789-1867) The
Morals of Pleasure: Illustrated by Stories Designed for Young
Persons. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Carey, 1829.
Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley. (1791-1865) Traits
of the Aborigines of America. A Poem. Cambridge: Hilliard
and Metcalf, 1822.
_____. Sketch of Connecticut, Forty Years Since. Hartford:
Oliver D. Cooke and Sons, 1824.
_____. Poems. Hartford: S.G. Goodrich, 1827.
_____. Female Biography. 1829.
Smith, Margaret Bayard. (1778-1844) A Winter in Washington,
or Memoirs of the Seymour Family. 2 vols. New York: E. Bliss
and E. White, 1824.
_____. What is Gentility? Washington: Pishey Thompson,
Smith, Sarah Pogson. Daughters of Eve. Schenectady:
Printed by G. Richie, Jr., 1826.
Smith, Sarah Louisa P. (1811-1832) Poems. Providence:
A.S. Beckwith, 1829 [same as Sarah Pogson Smith?]
Thayer, Caroline Matilda Warren. (1787?-1844) , ed. Muzzy,
Harriet. Poems, moral and sentimental [includes poems by
Thayer]. New York: F.W. Ritter, 1821.
_____. First Lessons in the History of the U.S.: Compiled for
the use of the Junior Class in Joseph Hoxie's Academy. New
York: Printed by D. Fanshaw, 1823.
_____. Letter to the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church
of the City of New York. New York: Printed for the publishers,
Tuthill, Louisa Caroline Huggins. (1798-1879) James
Somers: The Pilgrim's Son. New Haven: A.H. Maltby, 1827.
_____. Love of Admiration, or Mary's Visit to Boston: A Moral
Tale. New Haven: A.H. Maltby, 1828.
Willard, Emma Hart. (1787-1870) Geography for Beginners,
or the Instructor's Assistant. Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke and
Company, 1826.
_____. History of the United States; or, Republic of America.
New York: White, Gallaher, and White, 1828.
_____ and William C. Woodbridge. Rudiments of Geography,
on a New Plan. Hartford: Samuel G. Goodrich, 1821.
_____ and William C. Woodbridge. Ancient Geography as
Connected with Chronology and Prepatory to the Study of Ancient
History in a System of Universal Geography. Hartford: 1822.
_____ and William C. Woodbridge. Universal Geography,
Ancient and Modern; On the Principles of Comparison and Classification.
Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke and Company, 1824.
Williams, Catherine Read Arnold. (1790-1872) Religion
at Home: A Story Founded on Facts. Providence: Marshall and
Hammond, Printer, 1829.
Wood, Sarah (Sally) Sayward Barrell Keating. (1759-1855)
Tales of the Night. Portland, Maine: Thomas Todd, 1827.
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