American Women Writers: Bibliography 1820-1829

Picture of Catharine Maria Sedgwick

Compiler's Notes:

Whenever possible I authenticated bibliography entries in the National Union Catalog [NUC]. When not listed there, on-line sources were OCLC, the American Antiquarian Society on-line catalog [AAS], and the Library of Congress on-line catalog. I confirmed several dates in Notable American Women1607-1950 and in Sarah Josepha Hale's Woman's Record,1855.

We tried to include all known published work by American women in the 19th century. Women's publications in periodicals and newspapers, and entries for women who edited newspapers and periodicals were not included. The numbers were felt to be beyond the scope of this initial project.

I arranged the bibliographies chronologically within each writer's listing in order to provide a more immediate and visual sense of the literary history of each writer and of the period than the more conventional alphabetical listing would provide. The separate chronological listings by year are meant to further the ability to look at patterns and progressions and to serve as an overview.

I copied the idiosyncratic capitalization of titles verbatim from the catalog sources, presumably from the title pages of the texts. I decided to retain this rather than conventionalize to current standards or even 19th century standards, although it may simply represent inaccurate transcription from text to catalog. It was not possible for me to examine each original text.

I left question marks in place where information is questionable or unattainable. We eagerly invite corrections, suggestions, and answers.

The student compilers of the original 1820s bibliography which I utilized for this on-line version were Nancy Castaldo, Katherine Hawkins, Anne Simpson, and Lois Dellert Raskin.
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American Women Writers: Bibliography 1820-1829

Adams, Hannah. (1775-1831 or 1832) Letters on the Gospels. Cambridge: Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, 1824.

Beecher, Catharine Esther (1800-1878) Suggestions Respecting Improvements in Education. Hartford: Packer and Butler, 1829.

Brooks, Maria Gowen. (b.1796) Judith, Esther, and other Poems, by a Lover of the Fine Arts. Boston: Cummings and Hilliard, 1820.

_____. Zophiel, a Poem. Boston: Richardson and Lord, 1825.

Cheney, Harriet Vaughan Foster. (b.1796) The Sunday School, or Village Sketches, 1820.

_____. A Peep at the Pilgrims in Sixteen Hundred Thirty-Six: A Tale of Olden Times. 2 vols. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1824.

_____. The Rivals of Acadia, an old story of the New World. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1827.

Child, Lydia Maria Francis.(1802-1880) Hobomok. Boston: Cummings and Hilliard, 1824

_____. Evenings in New England. Boston: Cummings, Hilliard and Company, 1824.

_____. The rebels: or, Boston Before the Revolution. Boston: Cummings, Hilliard and Company, 1825.

_____. Emily Parker, or Impulse, not principle. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, Isaac R. Butts and Company, Printers, 1827.

_____. The First Settlers of New England; or, Conquest of the Pequots, Narragansetts, and Pokanokets. Boston: Munroe and Francis; New York: C.S. Francis, 1828.

_____. Biographical Sketches of Great and Good Men. Boston: Putnam and Hunt; Philadelphia: Thomas T. Ash, 1828.

_____, ed. Moral Lessons in Verse. Cambridge: Hilliard and Brown, 1828.

____. The Frugal Housewife. Boston: Marsh and Capen, 1829.

Cushing, Eliza Lanesford Foster. (1794-1854?) Saratoga: A Tale of the Revolution. 2 vols. Boston: Cummings, Hilliard and Company, 1824.

_____. Yorktown: An Historical Romance. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1826.

Davidson, Lucretia Maria. (1808-1825) Amir Khan and Other Poems. New York: G. & C. & H. Carvill, 1829.

Dix, Dorothea Lynde. (1802-1887) Conversations on Common Things; or, Guide to Knowledge . Boston: Munroe and Francis, 1824.

_____. Hymns for Children: Selected and Altered, With Appropriate Texts of Scripture. Boston: Munroe and Francis, 1825.

_____. Evening Hours. Boston: Munroe and Francis; New York: Charles S. Francis, 1825.

_____. John Williams, or The Sailor Boy. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1827.

_____. Marrion Wilder; or, The Passionate Little Girl. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1827.

_____. The Prize: or, Three Half Crowns. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1827.

_____. George Mills, or, The Little Boy Who Did Not Love His Books. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn,1828.

_____. Meditations for Private Hours. Boston: Munroe and Francis, 1828.

_____. Robert Woodward; or, The Heedless Boy. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1828.

_____. The Storm. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1828.

_____. Sequel to Marrion Wilder. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1828.

_____, ed. The Garland of Flora. Boston: S.G. Goodrich and Company and Carter and Hendell, 1829.

_____. The Pearl or Affection's Gift: A Christmas and New Year's Present. Philadelphia, 1829. [There are no known copies extant.]

Embury, Emma Catherine Manley (1806-1863) Guido: A Tale; Sketches from History and Other Poems. New York: G. & C. Carvill, 1828.

Evans, Sarah Ann.Resignation: An American Novel.2 vols. Boston: Printed for the author by John B. Russell, 1825.

Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot. (1787-1860) The Well-Spent Hour. No. I-XII. Boston: Wait, Greene and Company, 1827-28.

_____. The Warning. Boston: Wait, Greene and Company, 1829.

_____, ed. Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe, 1615-1715. Selections from the Writings of Fenelon. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1829.

Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. (1788-1879) The Genius of Oblivion and Other Original Poems. Concord: Jacob B. Moore, 1823.

_____. Northwood: A Tale of New England. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1827.

_____. Sketches of American Character. Boston: Putnam and Hunt and Carter and Hendee, 1829.

Hale, Sarah Preston Everett. (1796-1866) Boston Reading Lessons for Primary Schools. Boston: Richardson, Lord and Holbrook, 1828.

Hart, Jannette M. Nahant; or, "The Floure of Souvenance." Philadelphia: H.C. Carey and I. Lea, 1827.

_____. Cora; or The Genius of America. Philadelphia: E. Littell, 1828.

Huntington, Susan Mansfield. (1791-1823) Little Lucy; or, The Careless Child Reformed. Cambridge: Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, 1820.

Leslie, Eliza. (1787-1858) Seventy-five Recipes for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats. Boston: Monroe and Francis; New York: C.S. Francis, 1827.

_____. The Mirror; or, Eighteen Juvenile Tales and Dialogues. 2 vol. Boston: Munroe and Francis; New York: Charles S. Francis, 1828.

_____, trans. Eugene and Lolotte; A Tale for Children. Written by Contesse de Stephanie Felicite Genlis. Boston: Munroe and Francis; New York: Charles S. Francis, 1828.

_____. Stories for Emma: Being a Series of Easy Reading Lessons, with the Syllables Divided. Boston: Munroe and Francis, 1829; New York: C.S. Francis, 1828-1829.

_____. Stories for Adelaide: Being a Second Series of Easy Reading Lessons, With Divided Syllables. Philadelphia: Thomas T. Ash, 1829.

_____. The Young Americans, or, Sketches of a Sea Voyage, and a Short Visit to Europe. Boston: Munroe and Francis; New York: C.S. Francis, 1829.

Morton, Sarah Wentworth Apthorp (1759-1846) My Mind and Its Thoughts in Sketches, Fragments, and Essays. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1823.

Phelps, Almira Hart Lincoln. (1793-1884) Familiar Lectures on Botany. Hartford: H. and F.J. Huntington, 1829.

Livermore, Harriet. (1788-1868) Scriptural evidence in favor of female testimony in meetings for Christian worship in letters to a friend. Portsmouth [N.H.]: Foster, 1824.

_____.An epistle of love, addressed to the youth and children of Germantown, Pa., county of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: J. Rakestraw, 1826.

_____. A narration of religious experience. In twelve letters. Vol 1. Concord [N.H.]: printed by Jacob B. Moore, for the author, 1826.

Reed, Anna C.The Life of George Washington. Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1829.

Robbins, Eliza, (1786-1853) compiler. American popular lessons, chiefly selected from the writings of Mrs. Barbauld, Miss Edgeworth, and other approved authors.New York: S. Heustis, 1820.

_____. Sequel to American popular lessons. New York: Collins and Hannay, 1827.

_____, ed. Poetry for schools; designed for reading and recitation. New York: White, Gallaher and White, 1828.

_____. Primary dictionary, or Rational vocabulary, consisting of nearly four thousand words, adapted to the comprehension of children and designed for the younger classes in schools. New York: R. Lockwood, 1828.

_____. Tales from American History; containing the principal facts in the life of Christopher Columbus. 3 vols. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1829.

Rowson, Susanna Haswell. (1762-1824) Biblical Dialogues Between a Father and His Family: Comprising Sacred History from the Creation to the Birth of our Savior. Boston: Richardson and Lord, 1822.

_____. Charlotte's Daughter; or, The Three Orphans: A Sequel to Charlotte Temple. Boston: Richardson and Lord, 1828.

Royall, Anne Newport. (1769-1854) Sketches of history, life, and manners in the United States, by a traveler. New Haven: Printed for the author, 1826.

_____. The Tennessean: A novel, founded on facts. New Haven: Printed for the author, 1827.

_____. The Cabinet [a play]. 1828.

_____. The Black Book: or, A Continuation of Travels in the United States. 3 vols. Washington: Printed for the author, 1828-29.

_____. Mrs. Royall's Pennsylvania. 2 vols. Washington: Printed for the author, 1829.

Sanders, Elizabeth Elkins. (1762-1851) Conversations, principally on the aborigines of North America. Salem, Massachusetts: W. and S.B. Ives, 1828.

Savage, Sarah. (1785-1837) Filial Affection, or The Clergyman's granddaughter. Boston: Cummings and Hilliard, 1820.

_____. James Talbot. Cambridge: Hilliard and Metcalf; Boston: Published at The Christian Register Office, 1821.

_____. Advice to a young woman at service: in a letter from a friend. New York: New York Book Society; Boston: Trustees of the Publishing Fund by J.B. Russell, 1823.

_____. The Badge: A Moral Tale for Children. Boston: Office of the Christian Register, 1824.

_____. Life of Philip, the Indian chief. Salem: Whipple and Lawrence, 1827.

_____. Sunday School Conversations on Some Interesting Subjects Recorded in the New Testament. Boston: Cottons and Barnard, 1829.

Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. (1789-1867) Mary Hollis, An Original Tale. New York: New York Unitarian Book Society, 1822.

_____. A New England Tale. New York: E. Bliss and E. White, 1822.

_____. Redwood. New York: E. Bliss and E. White, 1824.

_____. The Travellers: A Tale Designed for Young People. New York: E. Bliss and E. White, 1825.

_____. The Deformed Boy. Boston: Munroe and Francis; Brookfield: E.and G. Merriam, 1826.

_____. Hope Leslie. New York: White, Gallaher, and White, 1827

_____. A short essay to do good. Stockbridge [Ma.]: Republished from the Christian teacher's manual, 1828.

Sedgwick, Elizabeth Buckminster Dwight (1801-1864) The Beatitudes. Boston: Bowles and Dearborn, 1828.

Sedgwick, Susan Anne Livingston Ridley (1789-1867) The Morals of Pleasure: Illustrated by Stories Designed for Young Persons. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Carey, 1829.

Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley. (1791-1865) Traits of the Aborigines of America. A Poem. Cambridge: Hilliard and Metcalf, 1822.

_____. Sketch of Connecticut, Forty Years Since. Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke and Sons, 1824.

_____. Poems. Hartford: S.G. Goodrich, 1827.

_____. Female Biography. 1829.

Smith, Margaret Bayard. (1778-1844) A Winter in Washington, or Memoirs of the Seymour Family. 2 vols. New York: E. Bliss and E. White, 1824.

_____. What is Gentility? Washington: Pishey Thompson, 1828.

Smith, Sarah Pogson. Daughters of Eve. Schenectady: Printed by G. Richie, Jr., 1826.

Smith, Sarah Louisa P. (1811-1832) Poems. Providence: A.S. Beckwith, 1829 [same as Sarah Pogson Smith?]

Thayer, Caroline Matilda Warren. (1787?-1844) , ed. Muzzy, Harriet. Poems, moral and sentimental [includes poems by Thayer]. New York: F.W. Ritter, 1821.

_____. First Lessons in the History of the U.S.: Compiled for the use of the Junior Class in Joseph Hoxie's Academy. New York: Printed by D. Fanshaw, 1823.

_____. Letter to the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of New York. New York: Printed for the publishers, 1821.

Tuthill, Louisa Caroline Huggins. (1798-1879) James Somers: The Pilgrim's Son. New Haven: A.H. Maltby, 1827.

_____. Love of Admiration, or Mary's Visit to Boston: A Moral Tale. New Haven: A.H. Maltby, 1828.

Willard, Emma Hart. (1787-1870) Geography for Beginners, or the Instructor's Assistant. Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke and Company, 1826.

_____. History of the United States; or, Republic of America. New York: White, Gallaher, and White, 1828.

_____ and William C. Woodbridge. Rudiments of Geography, on a New Plan. Hartford: Samuel G. Goodrich, 1821.

_____ and William C. Woodbridge. Ancient Geography as Connected with Chronology and Prepatory to the Study of Ancient History in a System of Universal Geography. Hartford: 1822.

_____ and William C. Woodbridge. Universal Geography, Ancient and Modern; On the Principles of Comparison and Classification. Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke and Company, 1824.

Williams, Catherine Read Arnold. (1790-1872) Religion at Home: A Story Founded on Facts. Providence: Marshall and Hammond, Printer, 1829.

Wood, Sarah (Sally) Sayward Barrell Keating. (1759-1855) Tales of the Night. Portland, Maine: Thomas Todd, 1827.

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Bibliography 1830's

Chronological Listing 1820's

Chronological Listing 1830-1835

Chronological Listing 1836-1839

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