Ron's McClamrock's research, etc.
Selected Publications:
- Existential Cognition: Computational Minds in the World
(University of Chicago Press, 1995)
Selected Articles:
- Modularity [From The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, 2003]
- Holism without tears: Local and global effects in cognitive processes [Philosophy of Science, 1989]
- Functional analysis and etiology [Erkenntnis, 1993]
- Methodological individualism considered as a constitutive principle of scientific inquiry [Philosophical Psychology, 1992]
- Screening off and the levels of selection [Erkenntnis, 1996]
- Marr's three levels: A re-evaluation [Minds and Machines, 1991]
- Irreducibility and subjectivity [Philosophical Studies, 1992]
- Emergence unscathed: Kim on multiple realizability and causal types [Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 1992]
- When is birth unfair to the child? (with Bonnie Steinbock) [Hastings Center Report, 1994]
- Is it TV that's bad, or the study? [Newsday Op-Ed, 2002]
- With complexity, the decks are stacked [Newsday Op-Ed, 2003]