Fall 2019: IECE 571 / CSCI 660: Probability and Random Processes
Course Description

This course explores random phenomena both qualitatively and mathematically, and teach how to manipulate those descriptions to solve engineering problems. The course builds on introductory courses on probability theory to understand random behavior of systems, sequences and processes, commonly found in many engineering disciplines. We will use Bayes’ rule as the starting point and study properties of distributions of random variables and its functions, Expectation and moments. This is followed by Random vectors and sequences and finally random processes. Emphasis will be given on Limit theorems – weak and strong law of large numbers, central limit theorem. Convergence of sequences of random variables – in probability, in distribution and almost surely. Introduction to the Poisson process, Markov chains and other selected topics and applications will be covered as time permits. The knowledge acquired in this class is the foundation for courses like Statistical Signal Processing, Detection and Estimation Theory, Advanced Digital Communications, Information Theory and Machine Learning.

Prerequisites: AMAT 370 or Graduate Student Standing

Time and Location: T/R 2.45-4.05pm @ BB B003
Instructor: Aveek Dutta ([email protected])
Office hours: F 10.00am - 12.00pm @ LI 90B (or by appointment)
Blackboard: IECE 571 / CSCI 660 - Probability and Random Processes

Textbook: Probability, Statistics and Random Processes For Engineers - Henry Stark and John W. Woods

Other Reference Books:
Probability and Random Processes - Geoffrey Grimet and David Stirzaker
Probability and Random Processes for Electrical and Computer Engineers - John Grubner

Grading Information

  1. Homework - 25%
  2. Mid-term - 35%
  3. Final Exam - 40%

Week Day Date Topic Reading Notes
1 T 27-Aug Introduction - Condtional Probability and Bayes Theorem Ch. 1.6, 1.7 Lecture Notes 1
Th 29-Aug Bernoulli Trials, Poisson Law and Normal Approximation Ch. 1.9, 1.10, 1.11
2 T 3-Sep Random Variables, CDF, PDF Ch. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Assignment 1

Lecture Notes 2
Th 5-Sep Special PDFs, Discrete and Continuous RVs Ch. 2.5
3 T 10-Sep Conditional and Joint Densities Ch. 2.6
Th 12-Sep Bayes Rule for PDF and Independence and problems
4 T 17-Sep Functions of Random Variables Ch. 3.2 Assignment 2

Lecture Notes 3
Th 19-Sep Functions of multiple RVs Ch. 3.3
5 T 24-Sep Multiple functions of multiple variable Ch. 3.4
Th 26-Sep Problems and Examples
6 T 1-Oct Expectation and Conditional Expectation of RV Ch. 4.1, 4.2 Assignment 3

Lecture Notes 4
Th 3-Oct Moments of RV Ch. 4.3
7 T 8-Oct Chebyshev and Schwarz Inequalities Ch. 4.4
Th 10-Oct Midterm Exam
8 T 15-Oct Fall Break
Th 17-Oct Moment Generating Functions and Characteristics Functions Ch. 4.6, 4.7
9 T 22-Oct Random Vectors - Densiites, Functions and Expectation Ch. 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 Assignment 4

Lecture Notes 5
Th 24-Oct Covariance Matrices and Properties Ch. 5.5
10 T 29-Oct Multidimensional Gaussian RV Ch. 5.6
Th 31-Oct Characteristic Function of Random Vectors Ch. 5.7
11 T 5-Nov Random Sequences and Linear Systems Ch. 8.1, 8.3 Assignment 5

Lecture Notes 6
Th 7-Nov Markov Random Sequences and Chains Ch. 8.5
12 T 12-Nov No Lecture
Th 14-Nov Convergence of Random Sequences Ch. 8.7, 8.8
13 T 19-Nov Random Processes Ch. 9.1 Assignment 6

Lecture Notes 7
Th 21-Nov Linear Systems with Random Inputs Ch. 9.2, 9.3
14 T 26-Nov Stationarity, WSS, PSD Ch. 9.4, 9.5
Th 28-Nov Thanksgiving Break - No Lecture
15 T 3-Dec Examples of Random Processes
Th 5-Dec Final Exam Review Miniproject (Due Dec. 9)
Monday 16-Dec Final Exam 1-3pm