Jennifer Lee
By Bohdan Petrina, freshman; major is still undecided, but possibly business.
Jennifer Lee saw college as a challenge: moving away from home, going to a school none of her friends were going to, being on her own. She did not have many expectations. She just hoped that she would get along with her roommate and would be able to transition from high school to college life.
Jennifer pictured a major in dentistry because she liked teeth! She also wasn�t sure what else to do after high school. When she came to UAlbany she took a few courses, but eventually found herself looking at East Asian Studies as a possible major. She wasn�t sure, however, what she could do with it as a career. During her second semester of freshman year, she took an economics class and liked it so much that she decided to major in it. She also decided to tack on minors in Chinese and business.
Looking back, Jen feels all her years at UAlbany were wonderful. She developed lasting relationships with students and staff, and the memories will last her a lifetime. When her dad passed away last year, she learned who her support group was. She feels she grew a lot at UAlbany and never had a problem making friends. At first she felt intimidated by her professors, but quickly got over her fear of talking to them.
Another interesting facet about Jennifer is that she is currently taking an ROTC class in military training that includes white water rafting and test firing real military class guns. The class has also taught her about military tactics and strategies that the U.S. uses in the war
on terror.
Jennifer is a member of Pi Sigma Epsilon, a co-ed business fraternity here on campus. She participates in many of the activities that the fraternity hosts for its members. From parties and study groups, to seminars that teach networking and interview skills, Jennifer has done it all. This, combined with her classes, has taught Jennifer how to �sell herself� properly to employers and how to interact with them. Right now, she is interviewing with financial firms to secure a job in sales and marketing. Later on, Jennifer hopes to become a meetings and events planner, and maybe even start her own company one day.
Jennifer is excited about Commencement and also is a little scared of it. Commencement to her means �ending one chapter of your life and moving to the next.� She�s not so sad about leaving the University, as she is sad to be leaving her friends and not seeing her friends all the time. Jennifer does feel that UAlbany has prepared her for the real world.
For the incoming freshmen, she advises �college is what you make of it. If you put in the effort to get out there, make friends, join clubs, talk with teachers, it will make your whole college experience all that much more wonderful. Although college has its share of hard work, it really is just a fun time. Almost like a four-year vacation until you have to get out into the real world. So live it up!�
