They came to UAlbany. They saw the opportunities. They conquered! Ten outstanding seniors are profiled by fellow students.
It was a tough decision, but someone had to make it! A small band of nine talented, dedicated UAlbany students (The Profilers*), with an interest in working on a unique �profiling case,� undertook the challenge to choose, interview and photograph seniors for this special Commencement web feature. There are so many incredible seniors who have great stories to tell, that it was a huge challenge to narrow the list (in the interests of space) to these ten:
*The Profilers are: Tania Petrina, �04; Sam Huntington, �05; Lisa Fund, �05; Liz Filardi,�07; Bohdan Petrina �07, Renata Daconti, �07; Juliana Coates, �07, Joanna Ahlatis, �07 (not pictured) and Steven Batza, �07 (not pictured). The Profilers will be organizing again in the fall to select other UAlbany students and faculty to profile as part of a permanent feature on UAlbany�s website.
Renata Daconti, Sam Huntington,
Bohdan Petrina and Tania Petrina |
Lisa Fund and Juliana Coates |
Liz Filardi |

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