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What does it take to be a great, Great Dane?
Here�s what a few great,
Great Danes have to say:
be a truly wonderful Great Dane, I think you
need to take initiative. It can be in big ways,
or in small ways. It starts with taking the
time to explore the University community and
find out what clubs, sports, events and activities
you can get involved with. You can take that
a step further, and create opportunities where
there aren't any by starting your own clubs
or even helping out at different university
events. It�s the best way to get to know other
people on campus and make the most of your four
years at Albany."
Petrina,�04, Accounting major,
Staff Accountant, Ernst & Young. NYC
"Be an Ambassador for the University -- express that
the University at Albany is a top notch school
with rigorous academic programs and influential
contacts that will follow you in the working
Mehner, �00, Upper School Technology
Director, the National Cathedral School, Washington,
off that UAlbany pride and go to the athletic
events, make the best of every opportunity,
and make UAlbany your home!"
DePersiis, UAlbany senior, Business Administration
major, housing manager at Freedom Quad,
ODK president, admissions tour guide
there is one thing that stands out about UAlbany
students, it�s their work ethic. Most of us
come from working/middle class families and
many of our parents never went to college. Many
students are first generation Americans. We
take advantage of the opportunities afforded
to us because we want -- and know UAlbany can
help us achieve -- a secure and comfortable
future. In my vocational experience work ethic
is a lot more important than raw intelligence
and UAlbany students have that in spades. A
Great, Great Dane is a scrappy striver who hasn�t
grown cynical about the American Dream."
Russell, �95, Executive Director,
The Smith Family Foundation, NYC
advantage of the opportunities that exist at
UAlbany, and encourage and excite others to
do the same. You can make a difference and will
be prepared for the real world."
Coon, BA '02 (Public Policy), MA '03,
Masters in Research Methods from Oxford in '04,
Business Analyst at McKinsey and Company Consulting,