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What do
former freshmen have to say about their first
Recent grads take the long view
>> Two of last year�s
freshmen talk about making friends, fitting
in and more
a two-way street -- share your knowledge with
people and they will share with you. Build a
network of friends and associates, because it
is the only way to fully experience the resources
that UAlbany has to offer."
Akinbajo - Political Science major,
Business Administration
you want to find your way and make a name for
yourself, you really have to push for it and
talk to professors and introduce yourself. Show
that you are interested."
Berens-Psychology major
is what you make of it. If you put in the effort
to get out there, make friends, join clubs,
talk with teachers, it will make your whole
college experience all that much more wonderful."
Jen Lee-Economics
Business and Chinese minors
tolerant. You will meet people from all different
cultures and backgrounds and being open and
accepting to their different ideas and viewpoints
will get you farther. The epitome of being tolerant
is to STUDY ABROAD! This made all the difference
in the world to me when I studied in Seville,
Spain in the fall of 2003. It made me open my
eyes to different world views and also see the
way the world viewed me as an American. It was
a very humbling yet thrilling experience."
Marr-Spanish major,
Linguistics minor
a big place, and you may get the feeling that
you won't fit in. It can be overwhelming at
first, but there are lots of things you can
do, like start a club, get to know your floor
mate. What you do helps you fit in and you have
somewhere to go."
Morris-History major
you get involved you will learn so much more
than you could ever get from a classroom alone.
You will meet people who can teach you things
about yourself that you never knew� I have learned
so much about different cultures, upbringings,
and lifestyles -- things that I will appreciate
Kim Shalvey-Psychology
Criminal Justice minor
Albany a chance --both the school and the town.
Just look around and you can find tons of stuff
to interest you -- from The Palace to the Pepsi,
and lots of volunteer opportunities. Talk to
your professors and they can give you extra
help to find research assistantships. Read the
Podium bulletin boards and speak your mind to
those who are in charge. Yes, that seems like
more than one piece of advice, but it really
comes down to -- look for opportunities and
seize upon the ones that interest you because
there is a ton to do here."
Jon Hojnacki-Political
Science major
Juliana Coates |
Renata Daconti |
last year, Juliana Coates (Chemistry
major) and Renata Daconti (Biology
major) get together to give you their best tips
on adjusting to your first year.
> On
what to bring, buy, find:
Juliana: Less is
definitely more, unless you are an experienced
space saver, you�ll probably find that you�re
going to run out of room quickly. Don�t bring
anything you can live without. Get in touch
with your new roommate and coordinate together
what you need to bring for the room.
Renata: Go to the
bookstore before your classes start and buy
the books you will need. If you later decide
that you want to drop a class you have a week
to return the books for a full refund. Also
before classes start learn where everything
is on campus -- where you need to go � cafeteria,
library, bookstore, dorms, lecture centers,
etc. Then you won�t get stressed out trying to find
a location or being late to class.
> On
making friends:
Juliana: In the dorm�on
move in day walk around your hall and meet some
of the people around you. Expand your visits
to other freshman dorm as well. Make friends
with your R.A. Don�t limit yourself to friends
in your dorm, however, talk to people in your
classes � you can�t have too many friends, so
be sure and expand your base.
Renata: Join a club!
Do this at the beginning of the semester. It�s
a great way to meet people. Also talk to your
professors. They are very nice people and are
there to help you with any difficulties that
you have.
> On
classes, study, time management:
Juliana: Most professors
give you homework assignments in advance. Use
this to your advantage � the easiest time to
pull ahead in your work is at the beginning
within the first month of school. Save all your
notes, talk to classmates and compare notes
and don�t be afraid to talk to your professors.
Renata: Go to classes!
Try studying everyday for a few hours, reviewing
all the material that was covered that day.
This will help you absorb the information that
was presented. If you are having problems, don�t
wait! Go to Academic Support Services for help.
> On
having fun and other stuff:
Juliana: College
should not be stressful. Put aside one night
a week to just relax � don�t go overboard, your
work should come first. Respect other people,
communicate with your roommate or suitemates
to avoid problems, have an open mind, and be
willing to try new things. It can be the best
time of your life!
Renata: Try to relax
and have a good time. Make your college experience
a successful and everlasting memory.