
UAlbany Graduates: Proven Performers Ready for New Challenges

By Greta Petry (May 17, 2007)

UAlbany's newest graduates include one of the "Lost Boys of the Sudan," a star on the track and in the classroom, an energetic student CEO, and many other outstanding students who have proven themselves during their time on campus and are now ready to tackle new challenges. Here are a few of their stories:

Alex LogonoAlex Logono: A "Lost Boy" Begins New Journey to Find Ailing Mother
On May 20, Alex Logono graduates from the University at Albany with a bachelor's degree in biology. A day later, he leaves for southern Sudan to find his mother, Lona Sitty Momuru, whom he has not seen in 19 years.  Full story >>
Alyssa LotmoreAlyssa Lotmore: A Star on the Track and in the Classroom
Alyssa Lotmore found tremendous opportunities in and out of the classroom as well as the diversity she was seeking – all at the University at Albany.  Full story >>
Nick ChiuchioloNick Chiuchiolo: UAlbany's Energetic Student CEO
What makes Nick Chiuchiolo tick? When you read his bio on the University at Albany's Spirit Zone page, you can't help but wonder if he ever sleeps.  Full story >>
Esmeralda HoscoyEsmeralda Hoscoy: First in Her Family to Graduate from College
Esmeralda Hoscoy's mother is always telling her "You can do it." Hoscoy, a member of the Class of 2007 with a double major in political science and Hispanic Studies, has taken that message to heart.  Full story >>


Charles FrederickCharles Frederick: He Experienced an "Incredible Revolution"
Charles Frederick says his life "has experienced an incredible revolution" at the University at Albany. Frederick, 23, a member of the Class of 2007, graduates with a bachelor's degree in East Asian Studies and is going on to Pace University Law School.  Full story >>
Pam BuckPam Buck: A World Traveler Found Path to New Goal
Pam Buck, a former Ford model who speaks six languages fluently, and who has lived and worked around the world, can now claim yet another impressive distinction. She graduates with a perfect 4.0 as a member of the University at Albany's Class of 2007.  Full story >>
Michael TylerMichael Tyler: He Strives to Do His Best and Heads for Medical School
Whether he is playing dodgeball with his intramural team, the two-time champion Border Patrol, doing volunteer work, or studying, Michael Tyler of Manhattan strives to do his best.  Full story >>
Amina AyadAmina Ayad: An Intellectual Explorer Found Great Guides in Professors
Learning about cultures from around the world was important to Amina Ayad's family when she was growing up. Her family watched TV in other languages, and hosted so many visitors from other countries that Ayad jokingly referred to her home as "Hotel Ayad."  Full story >>



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