ISSN 1556-4975
Published by Ricardo and Isabel Nirenberg since 1998
chance correlates
foresee their hint recede
with lipsplints hermes tongues
the bare khôra with braskin nullus
counters his cumoff with emigrate
he rids our cosmo knot leash
their decor marriage vents
the scrub sputterwide cirrus
call redlegs
quadrilateral their spicus gull
eighty percent thigh lapwing
each rickle stylus ready
for close climax lift as curdle
reveal the paganist
thorns abjure his arousal
her arousal a fly on herring
slowgrow on hip a final cock
yes on torchtete yes on headfull
yes on layacross
yes on fingersluice
the stagger thrust a pious
huff visits hermes thick lear
open the book with believers
flightsand explains ash nettle
causality left to right drives
us to clear you and me and i
and he and her and us
we being thrumy
fills yesplay
ark on cobble genitals
vats on their back
fall open dissorats teeth
and gnaw scarspeech
drip comb on spikenard
we sneak in a hybrid visitation
saffron palanquin from cedar
a curtain from cypress wood
or amanuenses as poopagand
curses the spectre risen
fullest in anthropocentriad
vasion a dioxix a cogon
loosestrife harmony a militant
thicksnare and liaison advance
as paranoiac adonis romes
the thornapple veneer and covers
muffway their known hold
montagues arrangement we the intent
sleep while we propagate drowsy
heck bite my thumb crutch my fount
from your vein our common root
aurora my tep struck breast
filament substitutes despite a spat
peripatetics censer she consents
to busty men who with me burn
with us your leaf language upain
existup and upturn
blue pimpernel cowheat fiftyfive percent
bined on biolog or chipgerm by order link
or dorpatasms nuance please remain online
aworthy knot lug victual
doubt civisnorts bush behind me
and redegg monologues close the think
assetsense sense and table sensect
antisencents autosense unsense senses
as entax mallet a need senses
i mean energy eats more than begins
then wages hive this one then they
moremore sense than their petipeanarrats
repeat after me resemble bottom aspattack
senses super shell and by and by its
feral horn rootling lump sprout
an analogue interlocutor whose offness
graces their note premembers grain
traits and yes it will spill into a dugout
thresh shrine with harden figures
who believe that weed plots grind mustard
parataxis close to horten thorn unable to
disbreed or even permit a strict containment
while a fifth column rerotion trick
we gant gain again and again it exists
on a fallen scaled comma a backward
punctual and simult quotidian twin
he and i sickle solipsism deposits and snug
the bare gap stimuli
the discontinued rational from strata
retribution a fascinother from lexicon
a couplet or bound branch for the hook
wind to cut seven thousand cuticles
alms fold us into a vertical
flut foam on urine channel
Irene Koronas is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. Her Grammaton Series includes holyrit (BlazeVOX, 2019), Volume IV, declivities (BlazeVOX, 2018), Volume III, ninth iota (The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2018), Volume II and Codify (Éditions du Cygne, 2017), Volume I. Her collections include Turtle Grass (Muddy River Books, 2014) and Pentakomo Cyprus (Červená Press, 2009). Her xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in Alligatorzine, BlazeVOX, The Boston Globe, Cambridge Chronicles, E·ratio, New Mystics, Offcourse, Otoliths, perspektive, Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art and Word For/Word. She is the Publisher of X-Peri & Var(2x). Her website is