Ricardo Lida Nirenberg

Ricardo Nirenberg photo

Born in Argentina, he has taught mathematics in several lands, most recently at The University at Albany, and written in diverse genres.
Two novels: Cry Uncle (1998, The Latino Press, NY) and Wave Mechanics (Blaurock Press, Canada 2008.)
His writing appears frequently in Offcourse, the e-journal he has edited since 1998.

Please contact him at r.nirenberg@albany.edu. For a more detailed bio and a list of his other publications, see his home page at The University at Albany website.

Ricardo's latest book is Uncountable, A Philosophical History of Number and Humanity from Antiquity to the Present, co-written with his son David Nirenberg. It appeared in October 2021, by UChicago Press. If your local independent bookstore does not have it, is available from the press, or from Amazon.

Ricardo's pages in Offcourse:


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