ISSN 1556-4975
Published by Ricardo and Isabel Nirenberg since 1998
The stillness of death
ranges over this vast
plain. I am at a cross-
road in my contiguous
physical map; any
therapy seems only
to have adverse effects.
The shape of the time
interval is less recogniz-
able, imposes limitations
on the raster & vector
datasets already open for
business just across the
street from the condo
development. 95% of
all cats will become
ecstatically attached to
any thing hollow or over-
hanging. Whole kernel
corn right out of the
can is a treat for catfish.
Small birds explode into
the air. The larger ones, the
raptors, are higher up,
circle at a much slower
pace, watching this lone
pedestrian who is em-
ployed to walk the back
roads, deciding what pot-
holes need to be filled in
before the sun goes down.
Not what we expected,
or wanted to dance to.
I am wearing a necklace of
potted herbs. Carnivores
assail me, along with escapees
from the local military barracks
& rabid followers of various
football codes. I offer them
thyme & basil but they evince
no interest. Only when I show
them lavender do they display
enthusiasm. Apparently good
for keeping mosquitoes away.
Charles Olson sits on the
fence near the letter-box,
turquoise frockcoat out-
standing in the early sun-
light. His waistcoat seems
washed out in comparison,
almost stained, but it has
a subtlety of color about it
that one gradually becomes
attuned to. He has changed
somewhat since the last time
I set eyes on him, has become
his own avatar. What has not
changed is the will to change.
We played vinyl; & then
went skating on that portion
of the ocean that had con-
veniently frozen over for
us. I knew all the words.
Recent work by Mark Young has appeared in Marsh Hawk Review, Synchronized Chaos, & e·ratio, among other places. His most recent books are from 1750 words, from SOd Press, sorties, from sandy press, & The Toast, from Luna Bisonte Prods.