ISSN 1556-4975
Published by Ricardo and Isabel Nirenberg since 1998
the elevator operator says floor please half off the road the immune system's waving to the viral variant to go around as of today there are two kinds of nervous systems willows weep not just because of their poor posture as they're carbon based my predecessors turn their pleasure makers up to ten I tell some graduates to be obsessive and compulsive even anecdotes are data to the data driven extrasensory perception's wasted on the extrasensory-perceptive one rare manuscript is handled with white gloves I tell some tag-alongs to blame the victim as it takes a multiple of two to tango so to rule the universe it takes a multiple of three
if it's not a ratio then it's not a rate of change the pigs when greased are keeping their own counsel does Walt Whitman contradict me very well Walt Whitman contradicts me there are three and one half adults in your average time machine consider lilies but don't give the sleeping dog a second thought the highest and the lowest scores are cut because they might be biased have you seen the good cop and the bad cop in a room together which of the ingredients is secret and how many purposes are served so colorful my costume I'm a hero and I'm on the clock
I'll do my part and be a witness to the systematic desecration as one tendril to another tendril's tending so the crime of calculation to the anticrime of passion so my ribbon says PARTICIPANT and we participants are put on one leg at a time by put on I might mean our legs are pulled our legs are pulled through cylinders our legs have suction cups I have a fragile hat to sit on and a velvet pillow to wear on my head the debits and the words of Jesus are in red the schools of fish have rendezvous on Tuesdays close the door in my face will you take my blushing husband please
Heikki Huotari attended a one-room school and spent summers on a forest-fire lookout tower. Since retiring from academia/mathematics he has published poems in numerous literary journals, including Pleiades, Spillway, The American Journal of Poetry and Willow Springs, and in five collections.