ISSN 1556-4975

OffCourse Literary Journal

 Published by Ricardo and Isabel Nirenberg since 1998


Poems by Ute von Funcke

Translated from the German by the author with Isabel Nirenberg



Es war nur ein kurzer
Schlaf  -  wie immer.

Der Krieg, fünftausendjährig
oder mehr, erhebt sein Haupt.

In seinen Haaren der Geruch
von züngelndem Feuer,

auf seiner Zunge der bleierne
Geschmack von Einsamkeit.

Der ersehnte Ruf
einer taumelnden Welt.

Erregung rast von
Ohr zu Ohr.

Aus seinen Drüsen
presst er Gift,

segnet seine Gesellen mit
Gräuel-Gaben und

schickt sie der Welt,
die ihn rief.

Sie scheren kahl
Köpfe und Häuser,

entlauben Bäume und Hecken,
die Verstecke der Schuldlosen.

Zuflucht gibt es nur
in Gräbern, die keine sind.

Der Alte, berauscht von seinem
anderen Himmel, meidet das Ende.

Es hat einen schlechten Ruf.



It was just a short
sleep - as always.

The War, five thousand years old
or more, rears its head.

In his hair the smell
of lambent fire,

on his tongue the leaden
taste of loneliness.

The longed-for call
of a tumbling world.

Excitement races from
ear to ear.

From his glands
He squeezes the poison

He whistles. From a dark
maw they rise,

unleashed companions. He
blesses them with his abominable gifts.

He sends them into the world,
that called him.

They shave bald
Heads and houses,

rip the leaves from trees and hedges,
the hiding places of the guiltless.

There is only refuge
in graves that are no graves.

The old man, intoxicated by his
other heaven, avoids the end.

It has a bad reputation.



Du glaubst gar nicht
wie gefährlich es ist

durch geschlossene
Türen zu gehen.

Wortlos wirst du

in Sprengsätzen

die dir dein letztes
Lächeln entreißen

Gehe lieber über kahle Felder,
überlebte Worte zu klauben,

die versprengten, die du zählst
wie das einzige Blatt am Baum.



would not believe

dangerous it is

to walk through
closed doors

you will disappear

in explosive sentences

that snatch your last
smile from you

Walk rather across bare fields
to pick surviving words

the scattered ones you count
as the only leaf on the tree.



Unsere Wurzeln werden
zu flatternden Flüchtlingen,

entblößt von Erde
fallen sie trocken.

Wir begießen sie mit

wiegen sie in
unseren Armen,

wie müde Kinder, die
lächeln im Sterben.



Our roots are turning
into fluttering refugees,

stripped of soil
they fall dry.

We water them with
with torn away tears, 

cradle them in
in our arms,

like tired children who
smile as they die.


Ute von Funcke (Munich) has written plays mainly for children before turning to poetry in 2004. Author of five collections of poems in German.  
Two selections of her poetry have been translated from the German by Stuart Friebert: “Between Question & Answer”, published in 2018, Pinyon Press and “Shadow of Shadows”, published in 2020, The Black Mountain Press.

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