An online literary journal: we publish essays, reviews, short stories, poetry.
Editor: Ricardo Nirenberg
Associate editors: Robert W. Greene, William Katz.
For queries, comments and suggestions, contact us at [email protected]
Guidelines for contributors.
Of(f)course gratefully acknowledges the support provided by the
at Albany, State University of New York.
This issue, guest edited by Jenny Dowling, whose work you have seen in previous issues , is dedicated to The Writers Studio, a remarkably successful school of creative writing located in Manhattan. As a part of their apprenticeship, students at The Writers Studio do the following exercise: given a text, either poetry or prose, by an established writer, they must then produce their own text, imitating certain (formal) features of the model. We present a number of those exercises, and hope you will find, as we did, that they afford a glimpse into the original act of writing, as well as a pleasurable read.You will also find a description of the Studio's activities and methods, a presentation of The Writers Studio by Jenny Dowling, and a recent dialog between the poet Philip Schultz, its founder and director, and Ricardo Nirenberg.