Student Groups
Aish Mix
The Aish Mix is an educational and recreational organization involved with the Jewish students awareness on campus. The Aish Mix encourages its members to experience the Jewish lifestyle by becoming involved with Jewish activities including
Angelic Voices of Praise (AVP)
The purpose of AVP is to create an outlet for self expression for students and non-students through the use of various forms of sacred music. In so doing, we hope to realize a loving and caring environment where members feel comfortable sharing their
Brothers And Sisters In Christ (B.A.S.I.C.)
The purpose of BASIC UAlbany is to provide students with a Christian Fellowship in which they are encouraged to live life as a radical follower of Jesus, nurture a sense of purpose for lives, and to reach out to students(Christian or not)with God's love.
Campus Ambassadors (CA)
We are an organization that desires to reach out to the students of SUNY Albany with God's grace, love, and mercy; guiding students to become fully devoted followers of Christ with the growing Christian community.
Cornerstone Protestant Campus Ministry
Cornerstone Protestant Campus Ministry at the University at Albany offers opportunities for interaction, study and service. We have what you're looking for! Join us for a variety of various activities and great adventures; make a
Welcome to: UALBANY HILLEL! What is Hillel? Hillel's goal is to “enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.”
Impact Christian Fellowship
Impact Christian Fellowship is a multi-denominational group. That basically means that we believe that the Bible is the word of God and that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. We are more formal then a Bible study but less formal then a church service
Indian Christian Fellowship (ICF)
We are a group of Indian Christians that want to find faith and just hang out. We have meetings every week and we do a ton of community service! Check us out!
Interfaith Student Group (ISG)
Interfaith Student Group is an organization inviting people of any faith or spiritual background to join to learn about other paths, learn religious activities of other faiths, and promote religious tolerance.
L'Chaim is an SA funded group that works closely with Shabbos House (Chabad) to create a warm and welcoming environment for Jewish students on campus. We celebrate Shabbat and holidays together and provide meaningful, educational and enjoyable programs.
Muslim Students Association (MSA)
The M.S.A. is a faith-based organization aimed at providing services for the Muslim students on campus, facilitating campus-wide educational, interfaith, and community service programs, along with providing a venue for learning about the Islamic faith.
New Life Seventh-Day Adventist Youth Ministries (New Life S.D.A. Youth Ministries)
The New Life S.D.A Youth Ministries is a Sabbath keeping organization involved with keeping all 10 commandments as well as sharing our health and temperance message. We believe in the bible and the soon coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Newman Association
The Newman Association is the Catholic Student Group at the University at Albany. We hold Mass every Sunday at 6:45pm in the Campus Center Assembly Hall. We also have Mass and Dinner every Thursday night at 6:00pm in Chapel House. The Newman
RUACH is short for Reform University at Albany Chavarah. RUACH provides college-age students the opportunity to maintain and develop connections to Reform Judaism. We cordinate weekly services as well as monthly programs.
University at Albany Real Life (Real Life)
WE'RE A GROUP OF PEOPLE LIVING REAL LIFE TOGETHER ! College is going to impact you. You will be a different person when you are finished. We are students in the Capital Region of New York learning about what Jesus has to say about life and