MARIUS OCTOBER 4, 2002 (Friday) at 7:30 p.m. Page Hall, 135 Western Avenue (Free and Open to the Public)
(French, 1931, 130 minutes, b&w, video) |
MARIUS was the first film written by Marcel Pagnol, the first director to be elected to the Académie Francaise. Closely based on Pagnol's successful stage play of the same name, MARIUS illustrates Pagnol's dictum that cinema "should confine itself to photographing theater." Set in the Old Port of Marseilles, the film tells the story of a youth torn between his childhood sweetheart and a desire to run off to sea. Two sequels to MARIUS--FANNY and CÉSAR--will appear in future editions of the Classic Film Series.
See also Fanny
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