My career aim since my childhood was to become a major part of creating genuine and innovative ideas. Being a PhD student at SINE lab is giving me the chance to explore wide varieties of ideas and be part of different projects. Since 2016, I have participated in multiple projects related to communications, sensing, positioning, signal processing and artificial intelligence. These projects have introduced me to collaboration with research teams from UAlbany, as well as, highly-ranked universities such as Boston university (BU), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Even more, working with a large team of both undergraduate and graduate students is guiding me to enhance my thought process to initiate fruitful brainstorming for creative research concepts. As a senior member of the SINE lab, I have a responsibility of always developing the lab vision, mission and structure. Currently, my research scope is focused on providing innovative sensing and networks solutions to applications utilizing visible light communications.
As a student at UAlbany, I have been introduced to Entrepreneurship life through different workshops and events. I have been working on transferring the technologies and ideas I have been working on to solve real problems through founding my own start up “LuminaReality”. Through this trip I am getting to learn the business aspect of technology and build a new vision by meeting people from industry, conducting customer discovery and participating in elevator pitch events. Spring 2019 was full of action where I could raise $5200 for LuminaReality through National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps program, UAlbany innovation scholarship and UAlbany shark tank.
I obtained my BSc degree followed by MSc in Electronics and Communications in 2016 with interest in Free Space Optical (FSO) Communications from AAST. Besides, I participated in setting up the first photonics laboratory in the university, Photonics Research Laboratory (PRL). In addition, I worked as a teaching assistant for more than 10 courses in the Electronics and Communications department. For more than three years, I have served my surrounding community through the AAST IEEE student branch.
June 2020: The paper titled "Wireless Link Pairing Towards Secured 6G Networks" is published in Optics Letters.
June 2020: The paper titled "Design and Spectral Analysis of Mixed-Carrier Communication for Sixth-Generation Networks" is published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
May 2020: The paper titled "Design and Spectral Analysis of Mixed-Carrier Communication for Sixth-Generation Networks" has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
May 2020: Taken my Doctoral Candidacy Exam.
Feb 2020: The book chapter titled "Energy Efficient Illumination Towards Green Communications" has been accepted to be contributing to the forthcoming IET book "Green Communications for Energy-Efficient Wireless Systems and Networks".
July 2019: A 4 day workshop is organised in collaboration between the SINE Lab and Girls Inc. Eureka! to engage them in STEM education through hands on activities related to electrical and computer engineering.
June 2019: The paper titled "On-Board and Train-to-Wayside Free Space Optical Link: Design and Characterization" has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technology and Applied Sciences (ICaTAS), 2019.
May 2019: I am participating in customer discovery trips for my start up "LuminaReality" entrepreneurships activities. My tour will include NYC, Montreal and LA.
April 2019: Winning third place in UAlbany shark tank competition with a prize of $1000.
Feb 2019: I am nominated for the national science foundation (NSF) I-Corps program to win $3000 for customer discovery and business plan mentorship.
Jan 2019: My application got accepted for the UAlbany innovation scholarship to win $1200 for building a prototype for my technology transfer idea.
Dec. 2018: Passed my PhD Qualifying Exam.
July 2018: The paper titled "Evolution of Multi-Tier Transmission Towards 5G Li-Fi Networks" submitted to the "Optical network architectures" track has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2018.
July 2018: The paper titled "Visible Light Communication Using Deep Learning Techniques" has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2018.
May 2018: The paper titled "CHRONOS: A Cloud based Hybrid RF-Optical Network Over Synchronous Links" submitted to the "5G Hardware and Test / Measurements" track has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE 5G World Forum (5G-WF), 2018.
Oct. 2017: The paper titled "Visible Light Communications: Toward Multi-Service Waveforms" submitted to the "Wireless Communications: Fundamentals and PHY" track has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2018.
Oct. 2017: The paper titled "Lightweight multi-carrier modulation for IOT " submitted to the "Broadband Access Communication Technologies XII" conference has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the SPIE OPTO, the optoelectronics, photonic materials and devices conference, 2018.
April 2017: The paper titled "Experimental investigation of DCO-OFDM adaptive loading using Si PN-based receiver" has been accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC) conference, 2017.
April 2020: Finalist of 3 Minute Thesis (3MT).
Oct 2019: Elevator Pitch for 1 million cups.
April. 2019: Elevator Pitch series for "LuminaReality" in NSF I-Corps, UAlbany innovation scholarship, UAlbany shark tank and NYS business plan competition.
Jan. 2018: Presenting my accepted papers at the SPIE SPIE Photonics West conference in San Fransisco and CCNC in Las Vegas .
Mar. 2017: Presenting my first paper after joining the SINE lab at the WOCC 2017.
Spring 2020IECE 111 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering - IECE 231 Digital Systems.
Fall 2019IECE 111 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering - IECE 231 Digital Systems.
Spring 2019IECE 111 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering - IECE 462 Digital Signal Processing.
Fall 2018IECE 111 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering - ICEN 380 Introduction to Digital Circuits.
Fall 2017ICEN 340 Digital Logic Design.
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