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Publications (Peer-reviewed journal articles unless otherwise noted. Sstudent first-author,
Ppostdoc first-author,
Bpeer-reviewed book chapter,
- Gordon AD. Interpreting statistical significance in hominin dimorphism: Power and Type I error rates for resampling tests of univariate and missing-data multivariate size dimorphism estimation methods in the fossil record. Journal of Human Evolution. 199:103630. [article]
- PSaers JPP, Gordon AD, Ryan TM, Stock JT. Trabecular bone ontogeny tracks neural development and life history among humans and non-human primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 119:e2208772119. [article]
- PSaers JPP, Gordon AD, Ryan TM, Stock JT. Growth and development of trabecular structure in the calcaneus of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) reflects locomotor behavior, life history, and neuromuscular development. Journal of Anatomy. 241:67-81. [article]
- SDeMars LJD, Stephens NB, Saers JPP, Gordon A, Stock JT, Ryan TM. Using point clouds to investigate the relationship between trabecular bone phenotype and behavior: An example utilizing the human calcaneus. American Journal of Human Biology. 33:e23468. [article]
- PSaers JPP, DeMars LJD, Stephens NB, Jashashvili T, Carlson KJ, Gordon AD, Ryan TM, Stock JT. Automated resolution independent method for comparing in vivo and dry trabecular bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 174:822-831. [article]
- PSaers JPP, DeMars LJD, Stephens NB, Jashashvili T, Carlson KJ, Gordon AD, Shaw CN, Ryan TM, Stock JT. Combinations of trabecular and cortical bone properties distinguish various loading modalities between athletes and controls. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 174:434-450. [article]
- Carvalho F, Brown KA, Gordon AD, Yesuf G, Raselimanana AP, Soarimalala V, Goodman SM. Methods for prioritizing protected areas using individual and aggregate rankings. Environmental Conservation. 47:113-122.
- BGordon AD, Green DJ, Jungers WL, Richmond BG. Limb proportions and positional behavior: revisiting the theoretical and empirical underpinnings for locomotor reconstruction in Australopithecus africanus. In Zipfel B, Richmond BG, and Ward CV, eds.: Hominid Postcranial Remains from Sterkfontein, South Africa, 1936-1995. Advances in Human Evolution Series. Oxford University Press. pp. 321-334.
- Hatala KG, Harcourt-Smith WEH, Gordon AD, Zimmer BW, Richmond BG, Pobiner BL, Green DJ, Metallo A, Rossi V, Liutkus-Pierce CM. Snapshots of human anatomy, locomotion, and behavior from Late Pleistocene footprints at Engare Sero, Tanzania. Scientific Reports. 10:7740. [article]
[3D data] ⋅
[The Conversation]
[The Independent]
- Brown KA, Gordon A, Carvalho F, Yesuf G. Madagascar protected area prioritization: A road map for conservation. In Goodman SM, Raherilalao MJ, and Wohlhauser S, eds.: The Terrestrial Protected Areas of Madagascar: Their History, Description, and Biota. Antananarivo, Madagascar: Association Vahatra. p. 1693-1706.
- Ryan TM, Carlson KJ, Gordon AD, Jablonski N, Shaw CN, Stock JT. Human-like hip joint loading in Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. Journal of Human Evolution. 121:12-24.
- ESetchell JM, Gordon AD. Editorial: Editorial practice at the International Journal of Primatology: the roles of gender and country of affiliation in participation in scientific publication. International Journal of Primatology.
- Raichlen DA, Gordon AD. Interpretation of footprints from Site S confirms
human-like bipedal biomechanics in Laetoli hominins. Journal of Human Evolution. 107:134-138.
[article] ⋅
[ZME Science]
- Borries C, Sandel AA, Koenig A, Fernandez-Duque E, Kamilar JM, Amoroso CR, Barton RA, Bray J,
DiFiore A, Gilby IC, Gordon AD, Mundry R, Port M, Powell LE, Pusey AE, Spriggs A, Nunn CL.
Transparency, usability, and reproducibility: guiding principles for improving comparative databases
using primates as examples. Evolutionary Anthropology. 25:232-238.
- Gordon AD, Johnson SE, Louis EE Jr. Environmental correlates of body mass in
true lemurs (Eulemur spp.). International Journal of Primatology. 37:89-108.
- SHolmes SM, Gordon AD, Louis EE Jr, Johnson SE. Fission-fusion dynamics in black-and-white
ruffed lemurs may facilitate both feeding strategies and communal care of infants in a spatially and
temporally variable environment. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 70:1949-1960.
- SLedogar JA, Dechow PC, Wang Q, Gharpure PH, Gordon AD, Baab KL, Smith AL, Weber GW,
Grosse IR, Ross CF, Richmond BG, Wright BW, Byron C, Wroe S, Strait DS. Human feeding
biomechanics: performance, variation, and functional constraints. PeerJ. 4:e2242.
- SSpriggs AN, Muchlinski MN, Gordon AD. Does the primate pattern hold up? Testing the functional
significance of infraorbital foramen size variation among marsupials. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology. 160:30-40.
- Raichlen DA, Gordon AD, Foster AD, Webber JT, Sukhdeo SM, Scott RS, Gosman JH, Ryan, TM.
An ontogenetic framework linking locomotion and trabecular bone architecture with
applications for reconstructing hominin life history. Journal of Human Evolution. 81:1-12.
- Pontzer H, Raichlen DA, Gordon AD, Schroepfer-Walker KK, Hare B,
O’Neill MC, Muldoon KM, Dunsworth HM, Wood BM, Isler K, Burkart J, Irwin M, Shumaker RW,
Lonsdorf EV, Ross SR. Primate energy expenditure and life history. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 111:1433-1437.
- Raichlen DA, Wood BM, Gordon AD, Mabulla AZP, Marolwe FW,
Pontzer H. Evidence of Lévy walk foraging patterns in human hunter–gatherers. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 111:728–733.
[article] ⋅
[NPR 13.7 blog]
[California Academy of Sciences]
[Business Standard]
- Rolian C, Gordon AD. Response to Almécija and Alba (2014) – On manual proportions in
Australopithecus afarensis. Journal of Human Evolution. 73:93-97.
- Williams EMS, Gordon AD, Richmond BG. Biomechanical strategies for accuracy and
force generation during stone tool production. Journal of Human Evolution. 72:52-63.
- Borries C, Gordon AD, Koenig A. Beware of primate life history data: a
plea for data standards and a repository. PLoS ONE. 8(6):e67200.
- BGordon AD. Sexual size dimorphism in Australopithecus: current understanding and new
directions. In Reed KE, Fleagle JG, and Leakey RE, eds.: The Paleobiology of Australopithecus.
Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series. Springer. pp.195-212.
- Gordon AD, Johnson SE, Louis EE Jr. Females are the ecological sex: Sex-specific
body mass ecogeography in wild sifaka populations (Propithecus spp.). American Journal of
Physical Anthropology. 151:77-87.
[journal cover]
- Gordon AD, Marcus E, Wood B. Great ape skeletal collections: making the most of
scarce and irreplaceable resources in the Digital Age. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology (American Journal
of Physical Anthropology Supplement 57). 152:2-32.
- Gordon AD, Wood B. Evaluating the use of pairwise dissimilarity metrics in
paleoanthropology. Journal of Human Evolution.
65:465-477. [article]
- Rolian C, Gordon AD. Reassessing manual proportions in Australopithecus afarensis.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 152:393-406.
[article] ⋅
- SVenkataraman VV, Rolian C, Gordon AD, Patel BA. A resampling approach and implications for
estimating the Phalangeal Index from unassociated hand bones in fossil primates. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology. 151:280-289.
- SO’Mara MT, Gordon AD, Catlett KK, Terranova CJ, Schwartz GT. Growth and the development
of sexual size dimorphism in lorises and galagos. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 147:11-20.
- Williams EMS, Gordon AD, Richmond BG. Hand pressure distribution during Oldowan stone tool
production. Journal of Human Evolution. 48:520-532.
- Raichlen DA, Gordon AD. Relationship between exercise capacity and brain size in mammals.
PLoS ONE. 6:e20601.
[article] ⋅
- Raichlen DA, Gordon AD, Sechrest W. Bioenergetic constraints on primate abundance.
International Journal of Primatology. 32:118-133.
- Sherwood CC, Gordon AD, Allen JS, Phillips KA, Erwin JM, Hof PR, Hopkins WD. Aging of
the cerebral cortex differs between humans and chimpanzees. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences USA. 108:13029-13034.
[article] ⋅
[Wall Street Journal]
- SGriffin NL, D'Août K, Richmond B, Gordon A, Aerts P. Comparative in vivo forefoot kinematics
of Homo sapiens and Pan paniscus. Journal of Human Evolution. 59:608-619.
- Raichlen DA, Gordon AD, Harcourt-Smith WEH, Foster AD, Haas Jr. WR. Laetoli
footprints preserve earliest direct evidence of human-like bipedal biomechanics. PLoS ONE. 5:e9769.
[article] ⋅
- Raichlen DA, Gordon AD, Muchlinski MN, Snodgrass JJ. Causes and significance of
variation in mammalian basal metabolism. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 180:301-311.
- SWilliams EMS, Gordon AD, Richmond BG. Upper limb kinematics and the role of the wrist
during stone tool production. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 143:134-145.
- SFaith JT, Domínguez-Rodrigo M, Gordon AD. Long-distance carcass transport at Olduvai Gorge?
A quantitative examination of Bed I skeletal element abundances. Journal of Human Evolution. 56:247-256.
- Gordon AD, Green DJ, Richmond BG. Strong postcranial size dimorphism in
Australopithecus afarensis: results from two new multivariate resampling methods for multivariate
data sets with missing data. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 135:311-328.
- Gordon AD, Nevell L, Wood B. The Homo floresiensis cranium (LB1): Size, scaling,
and early Homo affinities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 105:4650-4655.
[supporting information] ⋅
[NPR story]
[Discover Magazine Top 100 Science Stories of 2008]
- SGreen DJ, Gordon AD. Metacarpal proportions in Australopithecus africanus.
Journal of Human Evolution. 54:705-719. [article]
- SGriffin NL, Gordon AD, Richmond BG, Antón SC. Cross-sectional geometric analysis of a foot bone assemblage
from Mangaia, Cook Islands. HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 59:27-40. [article]
- SFaith JT, Gordon AD. Skeletal element abundances in archaeofaunal assemblages: Economic utility, sample size,
and assessment of carcass transport strategies. Journal of Archaeological Science. 34:872-882. [article]
- SGreen DJ, Gordon AD, Richmond BG. Limb size proportions in Australopithecus afarensis and
Australopithecus africanus. Journal of Human Evolution. 52:187-200 [article]
- Gordon AD. Scaling of size and dimorphism in primates I: Microevolution. International Journal of Primatology.
27:27-61. [article]
- Gordon AD. Scaling of size and dimorphism in primates II: Macroevolution. International Journal of Primatology.
27:63-105. [article]
- SSkinner MM, Gordon AD, Collard NJ. Mandibular size and shape variation in the hominins at Dmanisi,
Republic of Georgia. Journal of Human Evolution. 51:36-49 [article]
- Johnson SE, Gordon AD, Stumpf RM, Overdorff DJ, Wright P. Morphological variation in populations of Eulemur
albocollaris and E. fulvus rufus. International Journal of Primatology. 26:1399-1416.
- Kappelman J, Rasmussen DT, Sanders WJ, Feseha M, Bown T, Copeland P, Crabaugh J, Fleagle J, Glantz M, Gordon A,
Jacobs B, Maga M, Muldoon K, Pan A, Pyne L, Richmond B, Ryan T, Seiffert ER, Sen S, Todd L, Wiemann MC, Winkler A. Oligocene
mammals from Ethiopia and faunal exchange between Afro-Arabia and Eurasia. Nature. 426:549-552.