Topic: Security (see recommended topics and questions below)
Pages: 4-5
Spacing: Single-spaced
Font: Times New Roman
Margins: 1" on every side
Citations: DO NOT copy/paste large quotations. Everything MUST be cited. If using text verbatim, may only be a sentence or two and these must be within quotes. There should be no block quotations.
Submission Date: End of April.
Security Risk Analysis (Specific case and analyze)
Sensor Network (Wireless sensor security or Privacy (e.g. RFID)
Botnets - Detection & Protection
Land Mobile Wireless Security (Terrorist attacks to disrupt emergency communications)
Impact of Sensor Networks on Supply Chain
Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability to Hacking Attacks (e.g. Risk to power grid, dams, nuclear power plants, transportation (pick one))
Impact of Government Legislation such as HIPAA on Privacy
Insider Threats to Organizational Security
What does the topic mean?
Why is this a topic of interest?
What have other people done about it? (Prior Research)
What are the weaknesses in previous work
What needs to be done in the future?
What impacts of the problem do you see in the future? (Forecast)