ITM 416: Communications Networking & Security


Class Notes

Networking PowerPoint
Download 1-network.ppt

Security Introduction PowerPoint
Download 2-intro.ppt

Threats 1 PowerPoint
Download 3-threat.ppt

Threats 2 PowerPoint
Download 4-threat.ppt

Routing PowerPoint
Download 7-route.ppt

Peer-to-Peer PowerPoint
Download 6-p2p.ppt

Perimeter Defense PowerPoint
Download 7-ids.ppt

Steganography PowerPoint
Download 8-steg.ppt

Password Security PowerPoint
Download password.ppt

Cryptography PowerPoint
Download 9-crypt.ppt


The material for the first two-thirds of the class (including a customized syllabus for Professor Crnkovic's part) will be available via WebCT. Materials for the next part of the class will be available on this website:


Students participating in the ITM 416 class are permitted to use the following facilities within the business school, which are specifically configured and should have the necessary tools for the class: