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2001. Human Computer Interaction - Possibilities, Potential, and Problems (SIG HCI) In
Information in a networked world: Harnessing the flow: proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, eds. E. Aversa and C. Manley, p. 590. November 2001, Washington, D.C.

2001. A Social Judgment Analysis of Information Satisfaction and Information Source
Preferences Among Professionals: A Hypothesis-Generating Exploratory Study, Long Island University dissertation. UMI Microform 3012897.

1999. Professional Staff Development: Lessons Learned from Current Usability Studies, Journal of Information Technology Impact 1(2) 81-104 PDF, HTML

1998. A Web-based multicultural reading curriculum and its effects on developmental students'
reading comprehension. Adolescent and Adult Literacy Journal 41(7).