Laurie Feldman


I am a cognitive psychologist interested in language. My research examines speaking and reading in both native and non native speakers of a language (bilinguals). My major focus is words formed from several meaningful units or morphemes. Questions include: Does word recognition vary across languages depending on their particular structure? Is morphology more than just conjoint effects of shared meaning and shared form? What makes irregular past tense forms hard for some types of people (e.g., non native speakers, children) to master? I also study the interaction of linguistic codes at the level of writing systems (bialphabetism) and the effect of accent on understanding. My students and I pursue these questions using variety of experimental techniques in the laboratory at The University at Albany, SUNY, at Haskins Laboratories in New Haven, CT and in collaboration with colleagues in China, Serbia, and Israel.


Research Lab: Language Laboratory
Curriculum Vitae (PDF format)