Thursday April 5, 2001

Assembly Hall (Campus Center, 2nd floor)

University at Albany, SUNY

SKD Schedule 


Campus Center Maps 

Main Talk

Sonia Kovalevsky's Life 

Career Talks 

Sponsored by:
University at Albany, SUNY

Sonia Kovalevsky Days have been organized by the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and institutions around the country since 1985, when AWM sponsored a symposium on Sonia Kovalevsky. This year our program will have a Main Talk given by Merceded Ricahrds, astronomer at the University of Virginia and the Institute of Advance Study, Princeton University, who will also offer a Problem Solving Session for the students. Dr. Roger Cook will give a video presentation on the Life and Works of Sonia Kovalevsky; and we will have Career Talks offered by local women professionals.

The purpose of the Sonia Kovalevsky Days is to encourage young women to continue their study of mathematics, to assist them with the sometimes difficult transition between high school and college mathematics, to assist the teachers of women mathematics students, and to encourage colleges and universities to develop more extensive cooperation with high schools in their area. Follow-up studies will track whether the participants go to college, what they major in, and what they do upon graduation from college.

  • Sonia Kovalevsky's brief biography



    SKD Schedule

    9:00 -- 9:15  Registration.
    9:15 -- 10:45  Main Lecture and Problem Solving: Dr. Mercedes Richards, Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Virginia and the Institute of Advance Study, Princeton University.
    11:00 -- 11:30   Career Talk: Betty Barnet.
    11:30 -- 12:00   Career Talk: Laura Gross.
    12:00 -- 12:30   Lunch.
    12:30 -- 1:00   Sonia Kovalevsky's Life and Works.
    1:00 -- 1:30   Career Talk: Karen Gross.

    Main Lecture:

    Dr. Mercedes Richards, Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Virginia and the Institute of Advance Study, Princeton University.

    Sonia Kovalevsky's Life and Works:

    The Life and Works of Sonia Kovalevsky, by Dr. Roger Cook, the University of Vermont, author of  The Mathematics of Sonya Kovalevskaya (Springer-Verlag 1984)

    Career Talks:

    The panelists are successful women of our community. They will talk about what they do, how they use mathematics in their work, why they chose their careers and what obstacles they encountered getting there.

    Campus Center Maps

    The room for the event is Assembley Hall which is located on the 2nd floor of the Campus Center .