Description:Elementary Linear Algebra Interactive Linear Algebra web siteMake sure the book comes with a code to register in the Interactive Linear Algebra web site. If it doesn't, you need to purchase the code on line at the address above. That site has the book on line as well.
Author: W. Keith Nicholson
Editor: McGraw Hill, Ryerson
There will be four exams, one per week, as well as daily labs and quizes in the interactive linear algebra website. Your grade for the course will be the sum of all these exams plus the grade from your assignments. There will be no cumulative final exam.
Attendance is optional, but it is your responsibility to be aware of
the dates of the exams and the content and due date of assignments. If
you miss a class, it is your responsibility to be aware of the topics discussed
during that class, the assigned homework and the possibly given assignment.
There is no reason to miss an exam other than getting sick (bring note
from doctor), being on a team that has a game at the same time an exam
is given (bring a note from your coach), or a death or serious illness
in your family. In the event you can not attend an exam, you need to notify
me IN ADVANCE. You can call me (2-4641), e-mail me ([email protected]),
or leave a message under my door or with the secretaries.