Northeast Women in Algebra and Combinatorics Conference Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Association for Women in Mathematics

Organized by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University at Albany, in cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics and also in cooperation with the Northeast Combinatorics Network.

See AWM Calender of Events for other AWM activities.

Archive of Virtual Workshop held November 20-21, 2021

Videos of some talks are in a playlist in our YouTube Channel, and linked below!

This workshop covered a broad range of topics in algebra and combinatorics.
There were two plenary speakers and the first 6 short talks on Saturday, November 20, and the remaining 6 short talks on Sunday, November 21.
A Gathertown space was open for socializing, discussion, networking, etc for the duration of the conference.
Our simple space has many shareable whiteboards, some in private spaces, floor areas for meeting, screenshare capability, and the meeting schedule in the back of the room where you enter.
If Gathertown is new to you, see our meeting's beginner's guide.

Plenary Speakers

All times are in th EST (UTC-5, Eastern Standard, New York USA) time zone.

Schedule and Short Presentation Speakers




Seth Chaiken (webmaster) (University at Albany)
Laura Colmenarejo (North Carolina State University)
Cristian Lenart (University at Albany)
Antun Milas (University at Albany)
Karin Reinhold (University at Albany)
Lauren Rose (Bard College)
Changlong Zhong (University at Albany)

50th Anniversary of AWM UAlbany AWM