UAlbany main fountain on a sunny spring day UAlbany main fountain on a sunny spring day

Asian Coalition of Professionals


The University at Albany Asian Coalition of Professionals (UA-ACP) is an association of faculty and staff at University at Albany. The Coalition is open to campus colleagues of all cultural backgrounds. Our goal is to promote career development, enrich social life and safeguard the rights for its members.


Our Missions
Our Missions
  • To foster intellectual and professional interactions among its members and to promote the career and leadership advancement of its members at UAlbany.
  • To serve as a support network and to promote and protect the rights and interests of its members.

  • To advocate for its members as a representative body for goodness of UAlbany and community at large.

  • To promote academic and cultural exchange between UAlbany and other institutions domestically and internationally and to advance UAlbany’s academic excellence and internationalization.

  • To promote diversity and inclusion, and to advocate against discrimination and social injustice

Interested in Joining Us?

If you're interested in joining the University at Albany Asian Coalition of Professionals, please fill out our interest form and we'll be in touch with you.

Asian Coalition of Professionals logo



Contact the Executive Committee team

Follow us on Facebook


Article I. Membership
Article I. Membership

Membership of University at Albany Asian Coalition of Professionals (UA-ACP) shall be open to all UAlbany faculty and staff of Asian heritage, regardless of their country of origin or citizenship; and to other UAlbany faculty and staff who are interested in supporting the mission and goals of the Coalition.

Article II. Mission
Article II. Mission

The mission of the Coalition includes the following objectives:

  1. to foster intellectual and professional interactions among its members and to promote the career and leadership advancement of its members at UAlbany
  2. to serve as a support network and to promote and protect the rights and interests of its members
  3. to advocate for its members as a representative body for goodness of UAlbany and community at large
  4. to promote academic and cultural exchange between UAlbany and other institutions domestically and internationally and to advance UAlbany!s academic excellence and internationalization
  5. to promote diversity and inclusion, and to advocate against discrimination and social injustice at UAlbany
Article III. Officers and Authorities
Article III. Officers and Authorities

The Coalition is governed by an Executive Committee, which consists a President, one or two Secretary/Treasurer, one or two Communication Officers, one or two uptown campus Representatives, and one Representative for each of the Downtown and East Campus.

The President or her/his appointed substitute shall represent the Coalition in association affairs, communicate with the University administration and other organizations. The President, in consultation with the other members of the Executive Committee, shall have the authority to set up committees, appoint committee chairs and members, and assign tasks to members.

The term of presidency and executive committee is two years. The President Elect shall become the President when the term of the current President expires. In the event that the President can-not finish his/her term, the President-Elect shall take over the duties of the president for the remaining term, before serving as the President in the following years. In the case that a campus representative cannot complete his/her term, the President can appoint a replacement. The Executive Committee members can be reelected, and there should be no more than three terms.

The Secretary/Treasurer will maintain the Coalition!s financial account according to rules established by the Executive Committee, and will submit a financial report annually. The Secretary/Treasurer will maintain the membership list, and propose Coalition activities.

The Communication Officer shall be responsible for Coalition’s communication related tasks, including developing and maintaining a website for the Coalition, posting relevant news and announcements on the website, maintaining email listserv and other social media sites, as well as editing newsletters.

The Campus Representatives shall be responsible for collecting suggestions, reporting grievance from represented campus, and recruiting new members. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to set the Coalition!s agenda.

The Executive Committee can overrule the President by a simple majority. The Coalition can overrule the Executive Committee by a simple majority vote at a General Meeting.

Article IV. Election
Article IV. Election

The terms of the President, the Secretary/Treasurer, the Communications Officer, and each of the Representatives is two academic years, from September 1 to August 31. Nominations for the new President Elect, and other executive committee members shall be made to the Election Committee.

The election will be monitored by a three-person Election Committee, which is appointed by the Executive Committee. The Election Committee members shall not be on the ballot and shall not have conflicts of interest. The Election Committee shall verify the eligibility and availability of the nominees and make detailed rules for the election according to the bylaws.

Each Coalition member shall cast one vote, and one vote for every open position on the ballot.

The person who receives the greatest number of votes shall be elected. In case of a tie between two leading candidates, the President shall cast the tie-breaking vote.

The election shall take place in the first two weeks of November in each year either at a General Meeting or by e-mail. E-mail or absentee votes must be received before the deadline in order to be valid.

Article V. Dues
Article V. Dues

The membership dues shall be established by the Executive Committee annually.

Article VI. Meetings
Article VI. Meetings

The Coalition shall hold at least one General Meeting of its members each year. Other General Meetings may be scheduled by the Executive Committee. Furthermore, written petition may be made to the Executive Committee by at least five Coalition members to request a call for a General Meeting. General Meeting quorum for vote is 50% of members.

Article VII. Amendments
Article VII. Amendments

Amendments to the Bylaws must be proposed jointly by at least five Coalition members. Pro-posed amendments must be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing. The proposed amendments shall be discussed by Coalition members and then decided by a simple majority vote at a General Meeting. The President shall break any tie vote. Amendments to the Bylaws shall take effect with the next administration.





Upcoming Events

Summer Picnic

We had a great summer picnic event! Thank you for coming out!

The UAlbany Asian Coalition of Professionals gather for a group photo in front of an outdoor pavilion


The UAlbany Asian Coalition of Professionals gather for a group photo in front of an outdoor pavilion


Two children are sitting together on a bench outside


The UAlbany Asian Coalition of Professionals guests sitting at picnic table eating a meal together


The UAlbany Asian Coalition of Professionals guests serving themselves at picnic table


The UAlbany Asian Coalition of Professionals guests gathered at picnic table under pavilion


The UAlbany Asian Coalition of Professionals guests grilling outside


Executive Committee

Contact the Executive Committee team

Interdisciplinary Forum

The Interdisciplinary Forum is a showcases of our members’ intellectual and academic contributions, and facilitates interdisciplinary exchanges and potential research and funding collaborations among our members.

Topics will include those with broad cross-disciplinary significance, such as climate change, pandemics, machine learning and others. Each event will consist of panel presentations and discussions of members from different disciplines addressing a common theme.

We encourage our members to forward potential forum topics to us, and to present and participate at the events. If you are interested, please contact Liming Zhou at


Past Forums