CARD Guest Lecture Series
Join the University at Albany's Center for Autism and Related Disabilities along with experts in the field of autism for a livestream lecture. For more information on the lecture, registration information, and presenter information please see below.
Annually, CARD Albany invites distinguished autism experts to present on the latest cutting-edge research in the field, in areas such as genetics and brain imaging.
Distinguished Guest Speaker: Camille Kolu, PhD, BCBA-D, CEO and Owner, CUSP Emergence
We Are Buffers, We Break Barriers: What If There Was Something Preventative We Could All Do?
Thursday, April 25, 2024
1 - 3 p.m.

ASD is a risk factor for experiencing trauma and puts children at risk for experiencing additional risk factors like foster care. Unique risks present for the population sharing both ASD and adverse childhood experiences (ACES), but few professionals are fluent in preventing the harms related to ACES. This presentation provides an overview of the connection between ACES and subsequent medical and behavioral harms, then discusses specific buffers that research suggest can prevent these harms (as well as protect against later exposure)
1. Attendees will list four risk outcomes of ACES exposure on clients of behavioral sciences.
2. Attendees will describe the behavioral buffer that protects clients from the harms of trauma.
3. Attendees will identify six buffer areas that research suggests prevents harms related to trauma.
4. Attendees will identify a published tool to assist practitioners in adding programming to install buffers and solve barriers for individuals served by behavioral services
Registration is closed
Registration Fee
$5 for New York State Residents
$20 for Out-of-state Residents
Credit/Debit card payment and purchase orders are accepted on the registration form. Please make PO/check payable to:
The Research Foundation for SUNY
c/o Center for Autism and Related Disabilities
1535 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12203
Continuing Education Credits
This presentation is eligible for a total of 2 contact hours.
Please Note: Partial credit will not be awarded. Participants must attend the entire session to receive credit. Late arrival due to difficulties you may have logging into Zoom may not be used as an excuse for partial attendance. Please attempt to log in a few minutes early to allow for any possible technical issues.
Behavior Analyst Certification Board
The University at Albany/CARD Albany is an authorized continuing education provider for BACB continuing education. Provider number: OP-22-0612
Continuing Teacher and Leader Education
CARD Albany is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s Office of Teaching Initiatives as an approved provider of CTLE for Professional Classroom Teachers, School Leaders and Level III Teaching Assistants.
School Psychologists
CARD Albany is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists to offer continuing education for school psychologists. CARD maintains responsibility for the program.
Licensed Mental Health Counselors
University at Albany, SUNY, Center for Autism and Related Disabilities is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0194.
New York State Social Workers
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, SW CPE, is recognized by the New York State Education Department State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed master social workers # 0292.
New York State Psychologists
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities is recognized by the New York State Education Department State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists in NYS #PSY-0083.
The Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD Albany) offers these seminars to participants living in New York State through a grant from the New York State Education Department. The funding is administered by The Research Foundation for SUNY.
General certificates of attendance will be provided to all participants who attend the full session.
Past Lecturers and Topics
2023 Guest Lecturer: Jean B. Mankowski, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor
UNC Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities
Lecture Topic: Considering Trauma and Treatment
2022 Guest Lecturer: Nirbhay N. Singh, PhD

Medical College of Georgia
Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Augusta University
Lecture Topic: Mindfulness and Autism
2020 Guest Lecturer: Christopher McDougle, MD
Director, Lurie Center for Autism
Nancy Lurie Marks Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
2019 Guest Lecturer: Lawrence Scahill, MSN, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics, Emory School of Medicine
Director of Clinical Trials, Marcus Autism Center
Lecture Topic: Autism and Anxiety
2018 Guest Lecturer: Katarzyna Chawarska, PhD

Yale University School of Medicine
Lecture Topic: Advances in Early Screening and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders
2017 Guest Lecturer: Matthew Siegel, MD
Spring Harbor Hospital and Maine Medical Center, and Tufts University School of Medicine
Lecture Topic: Medication Management for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
2016 Guest Lecturer: Kevin Pelphrey, PhD
Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Institute, George Washington University
Lecture Topic: Searching for Neuroimaging Targets for Interventions in ASD
2015 Guest Lecturer: Michael Cuccaro, PhD
Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami
Lecture Topic: The Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder
2014 Guest Lecturer: David Amaral, PhD

UC Davis MIND Institute
Lecture Topic: What Neuroimaging has Taught Us About the Brain in Autism and Progress in Understanding the Neurobiology of Autism
2013 Guest Lecturer: Warren R. Jones, PhD

Emory University School of Medicine, and Marcus Autism Center
Lecture Topic: Understanding How Children with ASDs Experience the Visual World
2012 Guest Lecturer: Ami Klin, PhD
Emory University School of Medicine, and Marcus Autism Center
Lecture Topics: New Research on Social Engagement Deficits in Young Children with Autism: Implications for Clinical Practice; DSM-V, Definitions, Realities, and Real Science We Need.
2011 Guest Lecturer: Robert T. Schultz, PhD
Center for Autism Research, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Lecture Topic: Progress in Identifying the Biological Foundations of the Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence from Genetics and Brain Imaging
2010 Guest Lecturer: Stephen J. Sheinkopf, PhD
Brown Alpert Medical School
Lecture Topic: Autism in Infants and Toddlers: Implications for Families and Policy
2008 Guest Lecturer: Anthony Malone, MD
Department of Pediatrics, Albany Medical Center
Lecture Topic: Identification and Evaluation of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
2007 Guest Lecturer: Loisa Bennetto, PhD

University of Rochester
Lecture Topic: Communication in Autism: A Neuropsychological Perspective
2006 Guest Lecturer: Luke Y. Tsai, MD

University of Michigan Medical School
Lecture Topic: Rational Use of Medications in Autism Spectrum Disorder
2005 Guest Lecturer: Michael Cuccaro, PhD
Duke University and Medical Center
Lecture Topic: Autism: Risks & Etiology, The Integration of Clinical and Genetic Heterogeneity