Sequencing machine in the UAlbany Forensic Chemistry lab.

Master of Science  in
Forensic Science Investigation and Management

Program of Study


Through coursework and labs in areas like toxicology, forensic chemistry, and interpretation of forensic science evidence, you will learn as a DNA scientist, serologist or forensic chemist how to assist law enforcement with trace evidence on DNA identification and kinship analysis, as well as missing persons and mass-disaster casework.

You will receive instruction from a team of interdisciplinary and experienced faculty and researchers as well as other experts in the forensic science and criminal justice community.

Required Courses (28 credits)

  • Responsible Conduct and Skills in Research
  • Responsible Conduct and Skills in Scientific Communication
  • Advanced Molecular Biology
  • Forensic Genetics
  • Forensic Science Seminar
  • Forensic Biology I & II
  • Forensic Science
  • Instrumental and Biochemical Analysis
  • Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology
  • Courtroom Testimony for Forensic Scientists
  • Interpretation of DNA Evidence
  • Law and Science in Criminal Justice
  • Students who have not had an undergraduate course in Statistics, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry will be required to take the appropriate undergraduate or graduate courses

Internship (6 credits)

Satisfactory completion of an internship in forensic science laboratory and written report.


Management Policy Courses (6 credits)

  • Advanced Excel with Visual Basic for Applications
  • Database Management
  • Organizational Behavior and Managerial Skills
  • Human Resources Management
  • Managing Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
  • Public Personnel Administration


Final Examination

Satisfactory completion of core and final examinations in biology. The written internship report will serve as the final examination.

Additional Information

See the Graduate Bulletin for details.

For more information, contact Dr. Ryan Thurman at​​​​​​​

Experiential Learning

UAlbany has a unique and collaborative relationship with the New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center, as well as other forensic science agencies and research institutions, providing you direct access to forensic science expertise. Through this connection and our program faculty you will have the opportunity to secure competitive internships, giving you even more practical experience in research and training. 

Students have recently completed their internships at the following forensic science laboratories, research laboratories, or academic institutions: Albany Medical College; Bode Technology Group; Consolidated Forensic Laboratory in Washington, D.C.; Erie County Department of Central Police Services Forensic Laboratory; General Electric; Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department; Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, D.C.; Monroe County Crime Laboratory; New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner; New York State Department of Health; New York State Police; New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center; ReliaGene Technologies; Suffolk County Crime Laboratory; University at Albany Department of Biological Sciences; University at Albany College of Integrated Health Sciences; Westchester County Forensic Laboratory.



Researchers working in the UAlbany Forensic Chemistry lab
Forensic Science Investigation and Management Research
Career Outcomes

The majority of our graduates are currently employed as full-time forensic scientists in accredited laboratories throughout the world. 

A master's in forensic science investigation and management can help you launch a career in either public or private sectors as a:

  • DNA Analyst
  • Serologist
  • Forensic Biologist
  • Detective
  • Toxicologist
  • Analytical Chemist
  • Laboratory Director
  • Police Consultant

The degree can also be used as a step in continuing education, as you can go on to pursue a doctorate in law or another related field.



Students working in the UAlbany Forensic Chemistry lab

"I have known that I wanted to work in the field of forensic science since I was in high school, but never quite knew the steps needed to accomplish this goal. University at Albany gave me the opportunity to meet this goal in many ways. The program provides each student one-on-one instruction with full-time forensic scientists, implementing DNA and methodical theory, and hands-on training. Students are encouraged to expand their understanding of the criminal justice system, and participate in courtroom testimony. I would not be in the position I am today without the guidance and foundation this program has provided me."

- Samantha Loucks, Former graduate student and Forensic Scientist with the New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center

International Students

This degree is designated as a STEM program. International students maintaining F-1 status are allowed to apply for up to 12 months of post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) following completion/graduation from their degree program. Currently, this degree program is also designated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as an eligible degree for the F-1 STEM OPT work authorization extension; students who secure qualifying employment may be eligible to apply for the STEM OPT extension for a cumulative total of up to 36 months of F-1 OPT work authorization.

Admissions Requirements

 No Departmental Assistantship Consideration

  • Fall: Rolling
  • Spring: November 1
  • Summer: Not Available
Required Application Materials
  • Transcripts from all schools attended
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Goals

The statement is generally one to two pages discussing what you have to offer the program and what you wish to get out of the program.  It should include a brief description of the applicant's field of interest, related background, desired area of study and research emphasis or career goals. 

Special Notes

This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience requirement. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions.  If applicants have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of the intended academic program.

Student Learning Objectives

Learning objectives that UAlbany students are expected to attain through their course of study within their academic program.

Master of Science
  • Obtain and demonstrate breadth of knowledge in forensic science, forensic biology, molecular biology, human genetics, and law and science.
  • Read and understand the primary scientific literature, to keep abreast of major developments, and integrate the literature in their chosen area of expertise.
  • Demonstrate effective oral and visual communication skills in forensic science.
  • Demonstrate effective written communication skills in the field of forensic science
  • Understand scientific ethics as practiced in Western societies, including the topics of human subjects, animal use in research, and plagiarism